#WOW2024 | Week 20 | Can you combine categorical and sequential colors in the same chart?


A couple weeks ago while standing in line for Ken and Kevin Flerlage’s session at Tableau Conference, I had a conversation with the woman next to me that led to something like “what is something you’re trying to solve right now?” Her response was that her boss wanted to have something of a stoplight color scheme according to targets, and the green and yellow should just be one color, but the “red” should be a gradient. I thought about it a bit that day, and then it popped back in my head this week, so I decided to see if I could solve it for this week’s challenge. Unfortunately, I never got her name, so hopefully she’ll see everyone’s solution to this challenge and have her problem solved! 😉


  • For both charts, filter Subcategory to only Storage
  • Create a Sales chart by Manufacturer
    • Sales over $15k should be green, $4-$15k should be yellow, and below $4k should be a gradient orange/red getting darker as it goes lower
  • Create a Profit Ratio chart by Manufacturer
    • Profit Ratio over 15% should be green, 0-15% should be yellow, and below 0% should be a gradient orange/red getting darker as it goes lower
  • Incorporate the color legend in the titles
  • If a bar is clicked on the sales side, the associated Manufacturer bar should highlight on the Profit Ratio side, and vice versa
  • Match tooltips
  • Choose your own colors, as long as the green/yellow equivalents are a solid color and the red equivalent is a gradient/sequential


This challenge uses Superstore out of the box available in Tableau Desktop. You can also find it on Data.World here.


When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration.  Also include the hashtag #WOW2024 in your description to make it searchable!


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter and/or LinkedIn using the hashtag #WOW2024 #Tableau and tag @WorkoutWednsday



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