2023 Week 34 | Power BI: Use core visuals with dynamic titles


Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week we’re building some basic visuals and use dynamic titles to visualize gas prices in the Rocky Mountain Region of the US (where I live!) over the past 3 years from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Be sure you’re using the June 2023 version of Power BI desktop or later for this challenge, where you can find the new card visual.


  Get and transform data

  1. This week’s data comes as a good old csv file. You can find it here.
  2. Transform the data so that you have gas prices for Jan 2020 to Aug 2023.
  3. Build a date table. This is only required if you have the default auto date/time setting turned off.
  4. Create a relationship between your Gas Price and Date table.
  5. Create measures for: min, max, and average gas prices, and labels for the dates corresponding with the min and max prices.

  Build visuals

  1. Start by creating or downloading any images you’ll need. I created images for my card visual (min, max, and average) and for the background of my line chart.
  2. Add a date slicer. Quick trick, if you don’t want the ends of your date slicer to be big bubbles, turn the responsive setting to off.
  3. Add a new card visual. Here I used my measures for both the values and the labels.
  4. Add a line chart displaying average price per gallon over time. Bonus points for working in a week-over-week price visual!
  5. Add any other visuals that you’d like!
  6. Ensure that all visuals meet the minimum standards of having alt text, that the tab order in your report makes sense, and that your color choices meet the minimum standards. 


This week’s data comes from the U.S. Energy Information AdministrationDownload the csv for the region that interests you!


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2023 and #PowerBI, and tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko. Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


Solution File available for download via Data Stories Gallery.

Check out Parker Stevens video, where he shows us a neat hack to dynamically highlight a line chart series.

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