Donna Coles

#WOW2025 | Week 10 | Can you rank by multiple measures?

Introduction For this week’s challenge, we’re looking at data from the English Premier League (EPL) again ( this may well be a theme for me this year 🙂 ). The main focus for this challenge is ranking; specifically ranking based on multiple measures. In the EPL, as I’m sure there are with other sports, teams …

#WOW2025 | Week 10 | Can you rank by multiple measures? Read More

#WOW2025 | Week 3 | How are EPL Football Teams performing this season compared to previous seasons?

Introduction This week’s challenge has 3 levels which I hope means there’s something for everyone – whether you’re new to Tableau and #WorkoutWednesday or a seasoned veteran 😉  If I’ve implemented things correctly, it should be possible to simply build on from the Beginner Level requirements without having to rework anything too much to get …

#WOW2025 | Week 3 | How are EPL Football Teams performing this season compared to previous seasons? Read More

#WOW2024 | WEEK 37 | What medals did each country win each day?

Introduction We’re going back to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games this week. I loved them and built my own version of the medal table that I’d been looking at constantly throughout the 2 weeks based off of the BBC (UK) mobile app. I added the ability to click and see what medals were won each …

#WOW2024 | WEEK 37 | What medals did each country win each day? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 31 | How do you compare against the world’s best 100m runners?

Introduction The 33rd Summer Olympic Games started in Paris last week, so we have an Olympic themed challenge this week, and I hope this is a fun one. When researching ideas, I saw this viz on my colleague, James Newton’s (Twitter|X / Linked In ), Tableau Public profile and thought it would be good fun to …

#WOW2024 | Week 31 | How do you compare against the world’s best 100m runners? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 24 | Can you visualise headcount distribution in multiple ways on a single sheet?

Introduction For this week’s challenge I want to see if you can provide users with the flexibility to choose how they want to display a particular metric – in this case we’re looking at Headcount data, and how it is distributed across different employee attributes. Depending on the question being asked, a particular layout might …

#WOW2024 | Week 24 | Can you visualise headcount distribution in multiple ways on a single sheet? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 19 | Can you expand this segmented bar chart?

Introduction So this week follows on from my previous challenge in week 13 here. Feel free to either recreate completely from scratch or use my/your own original solution to build on (my solution for week 13 is here and my solution guide is here). Having built a segmented bar chart, we are now going to …

#WOW2024 | Week 19 | Can you expand this segmented bar chart? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 13 | Can you build this segmented bar chart?

Introduction I’m always on the lookout for inspiration to share in a #WorkoutWednesday challenge, and Sam Parson’s recent movie viz provided that for this week. Sam displayed the total revenue for the top 50 movie franchises, directly alongside a stacked bar depicting the revenue for each individual movie in that franchise. There is also a …

#WOW2024 | Week 13 | Can you build this segmented bar chart? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 7 | Can you include and exclude options with a custom control?

Introduction This week’s challenge is inspired by  something I’d seen at work, and I thought it would be quite fun to see if I could reproduce in Tableau and if so, share as a challenge 🙂 I could, so here it is… can you include & exclude options with a custom control? Click to open …

#WOW2024 | Week 7 | Can you include and exclude options with a custom control? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 1 | Can you compare salaries to the median?

Introduction Happy New Year to you all! This is the start of #WorkoutWednesday’s 7th year – how amazing is that! Thank you to everybody for your continued support and engagement – it really helps keep this initiative going! For the first challenge of 2024, I’ve updated a visualisation I first built several years ago based …

#WOW2024 | Week 1 | Can you compare salaries to the median? Read More

#WOW2023 | Week 47 | Can you create a Monthly Driver Analysis dashboard?

Introduction As we continue Global Recognition Month here at WOW Towers, I’d like to introduce you to Norbert Borbás (@norbert_borbas), a data analyst from Hungary who has been on a mission this year to complete all the #WOW2023 challenges. He has received 4 Viz of the Day awards, and was recognised as ‘one to watch’ …

#WOW2023 | Week 47 | Can you create a Monthly Driver Analysis dashboard? Read More

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