Lorna Brown

#WOW2025 W12: Can you show the top X customers in EACH of the last 3 years and their contributions to Sales?

Introduction Starting the community month with a Challenge from a Data School Consultant Abby Poon. She came to me with a puzzle and we solved it together. The idea is you want to be able to see how the Top X customers are changing over the last 3 years (dynamically). Each year the top X …

#WOW2025 W12: Can you show the top X customers in EACH of the last 3 years and their contributions to Sales? Read More

#WOW2025 Week 4: Can you compare to a selected months value?

Introduction I always thought this type of exercise had to be overly complex with Level of Detail calculations or Table Calc, but actually you don’t need to use those to do this challenge. So I challenge you to be able to compare to a selected months value WITHOUT using LODs or Table Calcs. Click to …

#WOW2025 Week 4: Can you compare to a selected months value? Read More

#WOW2024 W49: Can you create a scatter plot investigation?

Introduction This weeks challenges come from a fellow Data School Coach, Robbin Vernooij. He created this back in 2019, but I thought it was a pretty cool dashboard and gets you to think about Sets in a good way! Click to open in Tableau Public Requirements Dashboard Size 1000×800 Connect the data together You can …

#WOW2024 W49: Can you create a scatter plot investigation? Read More

#WOW2024 W43: Can you show total sales and filtered sales in the same view?

Introduction Hello #WOW enthusiasts, I’m Hannah, a data analyst consultant at The Information Lab. This week’s challenge is inspired by a client project I did recently, where I was trying to recreate a specific visual from a different software. I thought I could save you the headache if this kind of problem ever crossed your …

#WOW2024 W43: Can you show total sales and filtered sales in the same view? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 33 | Can you build the Olympic Medals Table?

Introduction Apologies for the late challenge this week but we are sticking with the Olympic theme, this week we are building the Olympic Medal Table. I wanted to replicate as close as possible the medal table from this website. Note: The data for China is Incorrect but this is based off of the source I …

#WOW2024 | Week 33 | Can you build the Olympic Medals Table? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 27 | Can you show YTD and PYTD, whilst also being able to change the date range and switch between Month & Week?

Introduction One of the perks of my job is that I get to help colleagues solve puzzles that clients throw at them. This is where this came from. Well in fact – the original idea came from a Power BI report, and I wanted to prove it was doable in Tableau.  Click to open in …

#WOW2024 | Week 27 | Can you show YTD and PYTD, whilst also being able to change the date range and switch between Month & Week? Read More

#WOW2024 Week 15: Can you create a (super) dynamic trellis chart?

Introduction Continuing with our community month, I decided to invite the OG himself back for a challenge, Andy Kriebel. All I’m going to say about this challenge is, I’m sorry if it’s super hard and don’t be afraid to sneak a peak into the actual workbook to get insight into how Andy’s mind works! Click …

#WOW2024 Week 15: Can you create a (super) dynamic trellis chart? Read More

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