Sean Miller

#WOW2025 | 9 | Binary Parameters

Introduction Welcome to week 9 – and just like that we’re already welcoming March 🚀. I’m so excited to be partnering with fellow Kansas Citian & Tableau Visionary, Felicia Styer, for this week’s challenge. Recently she created a framework for what she calls “binary parameters” which allows for a solution for multi-select parameters. The goal …

#WOW2025 | 9 | Binary Parameters Read More

#WOW2024 | 48 | Can you make a Candle Line Chart?

Introduction Hey there #DataFam! Welcome to week 48 of 2024…that’s wild when you think about it. That means that we have 47 other challenges already this year. So what are doing this week? We’re gonna play different mark types on dual axis. This week’s challenge is something I’m calling a “candle line” chart. Check it …

#WOW2024 | 48 | Can you make a Candle Line Chart? Read More

#WOW2024 | 42 | Let’s play with Table(au) Extensions!

Introduction  Hot out of the oven  Tableau 2024.3 is here! And with it comes SO MANY amazing new features including the topic for this challenge. Table Extensions!  That’s correct, you read that right. Tables are now “native” to Tableau. I used air quotes because it does require viz extensions to be enabled on your cloud/server …

#WOW2024 | 42 | Let’s play with Table(au) Extensions! Read More

#WOW2024 | 36 | Can you build a Measure Names Waterfall?

Introduction Welcome back to another challenge. This week we’re tackling some financial data and in particular, a waterfall chart based on multiple measure columns. Can you handle it? Click to open in Tableau Public Requirements Dashboard Size 800 x 600 One worksheet Create a waterfall chart for Gross Sales Discounts Net Sales COGS Profit Create …

#WOW2024 | 36 | Can you build a Measure Names Waterfall? Read More

#WOW2024 | 25 | Can you combine part-to-whole and comparison?

Introduction What’s up everybody! Thank for checking and taking on the latest #WOW2024 challenge! I’ve got another real-life inspired challenge for you all this week. At times, it can important to show both part-to-whole relationships as well as rank or comparison to each other. We know that there are many ways to accomplish but what …

#WOW2024 | 25 | Can you combine part-to-whole and comparison? Read More

#WOW2024 | 18 | Sleep Survey Marimekko

Introduction Welcome to week 18 and this week’s challenge. This is a special challenge as it is the challenge that coincides with Tableau conference and #Data24!  This week your challenge is to analyze sleep survey data and build a marimekko chart in Tableau! Click to open in Tableau Public Requirements size: 1000×800  the x axis …

#WOW2024 | 18 | Sleep Survey Marimekko Read More

#WOW2024 | 12 | Playing with Stacks

Introduction I’ve had clients requesting stacked bars in various formats lately, so this challenge is timely. Stacked bars are used as a way to show part-to-whole relationship while also showing totals. The weakness of stacked bars is similar to that of the dreaded pie chart. Too many segments become confusing when trending a stacked column, …

#WOW2024 | 12 | Playing with Stacks Read More