Kyle Yetter

#WOW2024 | Week 38 | Can you create multi-select parameters?

Introduction This week’s challenge again comes from trying to solve a problem in my day job, where I was exploring the possibility of parameters being multi-select like filters. We couldn’t use filters because we had different data sources, so I found a few forum and blog posts that make multi-select parameters a possibility, even if …

#WOW2024 | Week 38 | Can you create multi-select parameters? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 32 | Can you compare Olympic medalist age to a user’s age?

Introduction The Olympics continue this week, so we’re continuing with an Olympic theme this week as well. When thinking about a challenge, a Makeover Monday I did in 2018 came to mind (which was inspired by this viz by Rody Zakovich). But that one was the Winter Olympics, so we’re going to build a version …

#WOW2024 | Week 32 | Can you compare Olympic medalist age to a user’s age? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 26 | Can you filter from a donut without highlighting the pie?

Introduction I was recently catching up on the Flerlage Twins blog, and came across a post that I had somehow missed from the end of  last year about trying to solve a highlighting problem with donut charts when filtering. I read through it, and was surprised that my favorite technique from Yuri Fal didn’t work, …

#WOW2024 | Week 26 | Can you filter from a donut without highlighting the pie? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 20 | Can you combine categorical and sequential colors in the same chart?

Introduction A couple weeks ago while standing in line for Ken and Kevin Flerlage’s session at Tableau Conference, I had a conversation with the woman next to me that led to something like “what is something you’re trying to solve right now?” Her response was that her boss wanted to have something of a stoplight …

#WOW2024 | Week 20 | Can you combine categorical and sequential colors in the same chart? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 14 | Can you build a Trellis of Profit Ratio Gauges?

Introduction This week kicks off our Community Month, where we invite folks from the Tableau community to create a challenge. First up is Jack Hineman, frequent WOW participant and Tableau Social Ambassador: I am so excited to be participating in Community Month for #WorkoutWednesday. I have been a weekly participant in #WOW challenges for the …

#WOW2024 | Week 14 | Can you build a Trellis of Profit Ratio Gauges? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 8 | Can you create an area chart tile map?

Introduction While reviewing recent work I’ve done in preparation for this week’s challenge, I came across a tile map with individual area charts by state that we use to monitor subscriptions, and thought it would be a fun one. As I dug into it, I realized it was inspired by Luke’s challenge in 2020 Week …

#WOW2024 | Week 8 | Can you create an area chart tile map? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 2 | Can you create a time-focused Gantt Chart?

Introduction This week’s challenge is another from recent experience. As we have spikes or drops with various metrics, we found that we often asked the same questions…What marketing campaigns were happening at that time? Did we send any big email campaigns around then? Did we launch a new product feature or experiment? With all these …

#WOW2024 | Week 2 | Can you create a time-focused Gantt Chart? Read More

#WOW2023 | Week 48 | Can you add candlesticks to bar charts?

Introduction As we finish up Global Recognition Month, I’d like to introduce you to Shunta Nakajima (@Dandee_House), a BI Engineer from Japan who has been a regular participant in #WOW2023 challenges.  Over to you Shunta…. [JP] 私がWorkoutWednesdayを知ったのが2020年、それ以来約3年間多くのチャレンジに取り組み、非常にたくさんのことを学ぶことができました。WOWのおかげで、私のTableauスキルを向上させることができました。今回、ゲストとして私のチャレンジを紹介できることになり、非常にワクワクしています。 Kyle,どうもありがとう! さて、今回のチャレンジでは私の大好きなチャートタイプの1つである、棒グラフとローソクの組み合わせを題材にしました。 私が初めてこのチャートタイプを知ったのは、かつてこのWOWを立ち上げ、またもう一つの素晴らしいコミュニティイベントであるMakeoverMondayを最近まで主宰していたAndy KriebelさんのVizです。 彼の表現方法を一目見て「すごく良いな」と思い、私も自身が作るVizのいくつかに取り入れるようになりました。 このチャートタイプの作成方法について詳細を知りたい場合は、彼のYoutube動画 を参照ください。 また、チャレンジには私がWOWを通して学んだいくつかのテクニックも盛り込んでいます。 それでは楽しんでください! [EN] The first time I came across WorkoutWednesday was …

#WOW2023 | Week 48 | Can you add candlesticks to bar charts? Read More

#WOW2023 Week 42 | Can you proportionally brush from multi-selection?

Introduction This week’s challenge is another inspired by my everyday work. As we launch new features, we look at how different segments of users engage with them. We wanted a smooth way to click into the segment combinations that were of interest, without having to go back to the top to change a bunch of …

#WOW2023 Week 42 | Can you proportionally brush from multi-selection? Read More

#WOW2023 Week 36: Can you build a dashboard for pre-aggregated metrics?

Introduction Recently, I needed to build a dashboard from some pre-aggregated, segmented data counting unique users. This created some difficulty, because we may want to look at overall numbers, or one segment, or multiple segments, and that changes the user counts. Each of these have their own level of aggregation in the data, so it …

#WOW2023 Week 36: Can you build a dashboard for pre-aggregated metrics? Read More

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