
#WOW2024 | Week 52 | Can you create a Stem and Leaf Plots?

Introduction Ever since I found out that Week 52’s challenge would be posted on December 25, I’ve been brainstorming ideas related to Christmas.While tackling Week 50’s Christmas tree challenge (as a personal challenge) and trying to solve it on a single sheet, I found myself wrestling with the concepts of “stems” and “leaves,” which reminded …

#WOW2024 | Week 52 | Can you create a Stem and Leaf Plots? Read More

#WOW2024 Week 50: Can you build a Christmas tree?

Introduction We’re going to try something a little different this week. We’re going to make a viz/dashboard without a dataset. Having just come from my daughter’s Christmas show this evening, and thinking I wanted to focus on container/dashboard formatting but keep it simple, I decided to build, then decorate a Christmas tree. So, that’s what …

#WOW2024 Week 50: Can you build a Christmas tree? Read More

#WOW2024 W49: Can you create a scatter plot investigation?

Introduction This weeks challenges come from a fellow Data School Coach, Robbin Vernooij. He created this back in 2019, but I thought it was a pretty cool dashboard and gets you to think about Sets in a good way! Click to open in Tableau Public Requirements Dashboard Size 1000×800 Connect the data together You can …

#WOW2024 W49: Can you create a scatter plot investigation? Read More

#WOW2024 | 48 | Can you make a Candle Line Chart?

Introduction Hey there #DataFam! Welcome to week 48 of 2024…that’s wild when you think about it. That means that we have 47 other challenges already this year. So what are doing this week? We’re gonna play different mark types on dual axis. This week’s challenge is something I’m calling a “candle line” chart. Check it …

#WOW2024 | 48 | Can you make a Candle Line Chart? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 47 | Top 5 Product Sales vs Other Products

Introduction This week’s challenge was inspired by a suggestion that I made to a colleague when he faced the problem of having a small space to work with, but wanting to give the end user the ability to drill-down a bit deeper. His idea was to only show the Top 5 within a selected Sub-Category. …

#WOW2024 | Week 47 | Top 5 Product Sales vs Other Products Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 45 | Can You Switch A Dashboard Theme?

Introduction This month we hold Global Community Weeks! We’ll feature guest coaches from around the world in the coming weeks. I’m excited and honored to introduce Tomoki Goda (@padawan_viz) from Japan! Tomoki is relatively new to Tableau but is strongly passionate about Tableau community activities. He is one of the co-hosts of a popular Japan …

#WOW2024 | Week 45 | Can You Switch A Dashboard Theme? Read More

#WOW2024 Week 44 | Can you join two spatial files to find intersection?

Introduction This week we’re working with some spatial data. I have a project at work where we’re finding the number of records (points) that are within a geospatial area (polygon), so we’ll try that this week. We’ll use public school district boundaries (polygons) and school locations (points) to find the number of schools in each …

#WOW2024 Week 44 | Can you join two spatial files to find intersection? Read More

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