
#WOW2024 Week 15: Can you create a (super) dynamic trellis chart?

Introduction Continuing with our community month, I decided to invite the OG himself back for a challenge, Andy Kriebel. All I’m going to say about this challenge is, I’m sorry if it’s super hard and don’t be afraid to sneak a peak into the actual workbook to get insight into how Andy’s mind works! Click …

#WOW2024 Week 15: Can you create a (super) dynamic trellis chart? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 14 | Can you build a Trellis of Profit Ratio Gauges?

Introduction This week kicks off our Community Month, where we invite folks from the Tableau community to create a challenge. First up is Jack Hineman, frequent WOW participant and Tableau Social Ambassador: I am so excited to be participating in Community Month for #WorkoutWednesday. I have been a weekly participant in #WOW challenges for the …

#WOW2024 | Week 14 | Can you build a Trellis of Profit Ratio Gauges? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 13 | Can you build this segmented bar chart?

Introduction I’m always on the lookout for inspiration to share in a #WorkoutWednesday challenge, and Sam Parson’s recent movie viz provided that for this week. Sam displayed the total revenue for the top 50 movie franchises, directly alongside a stacked bar depicting the revenue for each individual movie in that franchise. There is also a …

#WOW2024 | Week 13 | Can you build this segmented bar chart? Read More

#WOW2024 | 12 | Playing with Stacks

Introduction I’ve had clients requesting stacked bars in various formats lately, so this challenge is timely. Stacked bars are used as a way to show part-to-whole relationship while also showing totals. The weakness of stacked bars is similar to that of the dreaded pie chart. Too many segments become confusing when trending a stacked column, …

#WOW2024 | 12 | Playing with Stacks Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 11 | Can you filter a Small Multiples chart?

Introduction I may have gotten a little overexcited with this challenge by combining TWO problems that some of my colleagues came up against recently when trying to solve problems for their clients. That being said, this week’s challenge should be a good workout. Since the challenge applies some more advanced calculations, I have broken down …

#WOW2024 | Week 11 | Can you filter a Small Multiples chart? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 10 | Can you visualize when it gets busy?

Introduction Hello there! I’m Yoshi and I joined the WOW Tableau coach team this year.I’ve been participating in the WOW challenges since 2020, so I am really honored to be one of the coaches. Here’s my first challenge for you: let’s practice datetime calculations and data densifications. This week, we deal with dummy data regarding …

#WOW2024 | Week 10 | Can you visualize when it gets busy? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 8 | Can you create an area chart tile map?

Introduction While reviewing recent work I’ve done in preparation for this week’s challenge, I came across a tile map with individual area charts by state that we use to monitor subscriptions, and thought it would be a fun one. As I dug into it, I realized it was inspired by Luke’s challenge in 2020 Week …

#WOW2024 | Week 8 | Can you create an area chart tile map? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 7 | Can you include and exclude options with a custom control?

Introduction This week’s challenge is inspired by  something I’d seen at work, and I thought it would be quite fun to see if I could reproduce in Tableau and if so, share as a challenge 🙂 I could, so here it is… can you include & exclude options with a custom control? Click to open …

#WOW2024 | Week 7 | Can you include and exclude options with a custom control? Read More

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