Week 48: Profitability Bridge

This week we’re building a chart I was asked to create at work. A stakeholder drew this exact chart type and said, “make the chart look exactly like this!” At first glance I wasn’t sure I would be able to do it. After a little playing around I was able to re-create it!


Click to view on Tableau Public


  • Dashboard size is 500px wide by 800px tall.
  • Create a waterfall chart showing the top 5 sub-categories by sales. Include an other category for all other categories.
  • Show a bar on the far-left of the waterfall that shows all sub-categories. Label it all.
  • Add dashed lines that “connect” each bar.
  • Add a dashed line that connects the All bar with the Other bar.
  • Make sure each line looks as a single continuous dashed line. Watch your padding and axis label width!
  • Label each sub-category above the bottom line of each bar.
  • Label each bar with the profit ratio below the bottom line of each bar.
  • Add a filter by region. Make sure the filter is centered on the dashboard above the chart.
  • Color the bar gray if it above zero (#ACBAC3) or pink if it is below zero (#E48070).
  • Match tooltips.


This week uses the superstore dataset for Tableau 2018.3.  You can get it here at data.world


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WorkoutWednesday2018 and tag @AnnUJackson, @LukeStanke, @lorna_eden, @curtisharris_, @RodyZakovich, and @VizWizBI!

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8 thoughts on “Week 48: Profitability Bridge”

  1. I think the tool tips showing Total Sales for all sub category ==> should be each sub category’s sales?

  2. Love this viz and are now using my own version of it for out KPI’s.
    But! i can’t get my head around:

    “Make sure each line looks as a single continuous dashed line. Watch your padding and axis label width!”

    Could you revele the secret? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thx in advance

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