Last week we were putting together a deck for an executive team and we wanted to show the seasonality of data while still showing the overall average. In our time crunch we came up with our challenge for this week!p
Challenge – Intermediate
Click image to view on Tableau Public
Requirements – Intermediate
- Format: 900px by 600px
- Create a line that shows the total orders per day by segment. Show the value on the left side of the line.
- For each month, show a bar above or below the line with the orders per day for that month.
- Label the bars with the percent difference between the monthly value and the overall value.
- Match tooltips.
- Color choices are up to you.
This week uses the superstore dataset for Tableau 2019.1. You can get it here at
After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WorkoutWednesday2019 and tag @AnnUJackson, @LukeStanke, @lorna_eden, and @curtisharris_!
Track your progress
Also, don’t forget to track your progress using this Workout Wednesday form.
When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration.

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The Consumer segment in Januarys totals 191 in the data. 191 / 31 days in January / 4 years in data = 1.54 orders per day. Not sure how you’re showing 1.66. Even if we generalize our days-per-month at 30, the average is 1.59.
I have a question about computing the average number of orders for each category. It seems that you used CountD(OrderDate) to divide the number of orders for each category. I ran into the problem of days where no order was placed in a certain category. Therefore, we would not compute the right average since we divide numbers of orders by something like 300 instead of 365 days. I had to find a workaround to calculate the overall numbers of days and use it to divide count of orders.
{ FIXED [Segment1]:[COUNT Order ID]/SUM({ FIXED [Segment1]:
DATEDIFF(‘day’,DATETRUNC(‘month’,MIN([Order Date])),DATETRUNC(‘month’,DATEADD(‘month’,1,MAX([Order Date]))))})}
I still have some trouble with the axis but I would like to know your opinion about the problem with missing order dates.
Thank you for all the work with workoutwednesday. It helped me a tremandouse amount to understand Tableau.
Marius Ulrich
Hi Luke,
this was my post holiday brain gym
BTW – have you any clue why i can’t link my tableau public link here in the post?
Can anyone tell me how to move the AVG # to be in line with the Reference Line? Mine is right above the reference line .