Today I’m excited to share a challenge in collaboration with Dr. Eric Eager at PFF. PFF analyzes data about professional football (in this case the American version). In this game, there are many players, but the most critical player supports a role called the Quarterback. In this challenge you’ll count the number of consecutive weeks a single player is identified as the “starting” quarterback for a particular team.
An NFL team plays 16 games over 17 weeks. Each team is afforded a week off.
The goal is to count the consecutive weeks a quarterback “starts” for each team.
The first time a player occurs for a team the count will be 1, if they occur the next game in the count will increase to 2. If they make it 48 in a row, the count will be 48.
If a different quarterback starts, the values reset to 1 for that team.
This means that if Player A makes it 48-in-a-row, then Player B starts 2-in-a-row, then Player A returns, the count restarts at 1.
If you look at the tooltips and scan over the ATL bars at their tallest point you’ll notice a player by “Matt Ryan”. ATL eventually drops down to 1and begins re-counting. This is because Matt Ryan missed a game and therefore the count restarted for him.
Your goal is to re-create this visualization. This visualization requires approximately 7 calculations.
- Dashboard Size: 1800 by 800 px
- # of Sheets – 1
- Combine the [Week] and [Year] fields to create a unique week ID.
- Use [Team]
- Count up from 1 the number of consecutive weeks that a name is listed by team
- If a new name is shown, restart the count at one.
- Every time the name changes restart the count.
- Show the last value in the consecutive count by team as part of the header
- Match tooltips (use these as a guide)
- Match formatting
A small hint: you can choose to use another data set for some elements if needed or preferred. I was able to accomplish this with Superstore, but it does involve being creative.
This week uses NFL Quarterback starts from Pro Football Focus. You can get it here on Tableau Public.
When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration. Also include the hashtag #WOW2021 in your description to make it searchable!

After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WOW2021 and tag @AnnUJackson, @ItsCandraM, @LukeStanke, @_Lorna_Brown and @HipsterVizNinja