Only X months/ a year later, Val is back as a guest coach with another challenge. And if you remember #WOW2022 W35, you know that Val loves a good table! A nicely formatted table, if possible. A table filled with table calcs – even better.
This week’s WOW challenges you to create a dynamic tidy-looking table showing a breakdown of sales and target achievement. We only have monthly targets on Sub-Category level, but we still want to allow the users to break down the sales by several additional dimensions to see what our biggest contributors are in each sub-category.
Only X months/A year later, Val is back as a guest coach with another challenge. And if you remember #WOW2022 W35, you know that Val loves a good table! A nicely formatted table, if possible. A table filled with table calcs – even better.
This week’s WOW challenges you to create a dynamic tidy-looking table showing a breakdown of sales and target achievement. We only have monthly targets on Sub-Category level, but we still want to allow the users to break down the sales by several additional dimensions to see what our biggest contributors are in each sub-category.
Dashboard Size: 1000 x 850 px
· 1 sheet
· User should be able to select a month and an additional dimension they want the table to be broken down by: Region, Segment, or Ship Mode.
· Column header for that additional dimension should update dynamically.
· Show sub-totals for each category and sub-category for Sales, but don’t show sub-totals for % of Sales (just the breakdown within each sub-category). Show Target and Variance to Target only on Sub-Total and Total levels.
· Colour the variance BLUE if the target was met and ORANGE if it wasn’t.
· Match the rest of the formatting.
When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration. Also include the hashtag #WOW2023 in your description to make it searchable!

After you finish your workout, share on Twitter and/or LinkedIn using the hashtag #WOW2023 #Tableau and tag @WorkoutWednsday, @whereismytrain & @_hughej