2024 Week 31 | Power BI: TOPN and Others


This week’s challenge is brought to you by Guest contributor Roland Szirmai.


  1. Download data from SQLBI’s blog
    2. Create a Sales YTD and Sales PYTD pattern
    a. Don’t forget the ShowValueForDates calculated column and
    the DateWithSales measure
    3. Confirm that the Sales YTD and Sales PYTD measures are correct
    4. Replicate the TopN vs Others measures for Sales YTD and Sales
    a. Sales measure
    b. Ranking measure
    c. Visible Row measure
    5. Split TopN items and Others into two visual elements
    a. Confirm that the measures return the correct amount
    6. Once data validation is done, focus on DataViz
    7. Create 8 measures:
    a. Sales YOYTD x 2
    b. Negative YoY x 2
    c. Positive YoY x 2
    d. Sales PYTD (duplicate) x 2
    8. Formatting:
    a. Add Sales PYTD, Sales PYTD (duplicate) and Sales YTD
    b. Enable overlapping of bars
    c. Change transparency to 100%
    d. For Sales PYTD and Sales PYTD (duplicate), enable error bars
    and color them accordingly



After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #PowerBI, and tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko, @BILAnalytics. Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


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