This week’s challenge was inspired by a suggestion that I made to a colleague when he faced the problem of having a small space to work with, but wanting to give the end user the ability to drill-down a bit deeper. His idea was to only show the Top 5 within a selected Sub-Category. I suggested he include the remaining values in an aggregated ‘Other’ bar.
While I didn’t have time to develop this idea as far as I would have liked, I hope that some of you may be interested to take this challenge and develop it further yourselves – I’ve left a note in the Bonus section of the requirements for you!
If you’re just getting started with Tableau, try the Level 1 or Level 2 version of this challenge instead and practice using Tableau actions.
- Dashboard Size 1000 x 800
One worksheet
Create a bar chart showing the Average of Product-Level Sales by Sub-Category
- Select one of the challenge levels below (1 is the most simple, 3 is likely the hardest)
- Match tooltips and formatting
Use actions to allow users to select a single Sub-Category
Highlight the selected Sub-Category (#ce69be)
- Use actions to allow users to select a single Sub-Category and drill-down to the Product Name.
- Highlight the Products within the selected Sub-Category (#ce69be)
- Add a reference line for the Average value by Sub-Category
- Use actions to allow users to select a single Sub-Category and drill-down to the
- Top 5 Products + a bar that represents the Average of remaining products in the selected Sub-Category.
- Highlight the Top 5 Products (#ce69be)
- The Label for the ‘Other’ Products should specify how many products are in that group
- Add a reference line for the Average value by Sub-Category
(Disclaimer: I personally did not have time to build this out ahead of this week’s challenge, so please enter this part of the challenge with caution)
Can you allow the user to select multiple Sub-Categories and display the Top 5 Products within each, including the ‘Other’ bar?
This challenge uses Sample Superstore data (2024 version) with no filters applied. You can find the data source on Data.World
When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration. Also include the hashtag #WOW2024 in your description to make it searchable!

After you finish your workout, share your solution:
- On Twitter using the hashtag #WOW2024 #Tableau and tag @WorkoutWednsday, @whereismytrain and @_hughej
- On LinkedIn using the tag Workout Wednesday, Tableau and Erica Hughes