2025 Week 01 | Sigma: Can you visualize NHIS data?


Welcome to year 2 of Workout Wednesday, we’re here to help you keep good on your New Year’s resolutions of learning new skills and getting your teeth cleaned. The data for this week comes from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) website, which has a lot of interesting survey data to explore. They have an exploration area on their site, but I wanted to pull the data into Sigma to give it a more interactive feel.

Special shout out to Katrina Menne, who stepped in for me a few weeks ago when I was getting my wisdom teeth removed. I’m all recovered now, but still thinking about it enough to want to build something with related data.

Need access to Sigma?

Note: You will only have view access to WOW Workbooks, Folders, and Workspaces, not edit access. Please create your WOW Workbooks under “My Documents.” We suggest creating a folder to organize all your workbooks. 


  1. Get your data 
    • Workout Wednesday > 2025W1 – Dental Work > NHIS Adult Summary Data > Dental Exam or Cleaning 
  2. Add your data to a ‘Sources’ tab 
  3. Create your visualization 
    • Add a new visualization 
    • Set the visualization type to ‘Line’ 
    • Move ‘Year’ to the X-axis 
    • Move ‘Percentage’ to the Y-axis and uncheck ‘Aggregate Values’ 
    • Move ‘Group’ to the color section 
    • Format your visualization 
      • Title 
        • Hide the title 
      • X-Axis 
        • Scale type = Ordinal 
      • Y-Axis 
        • Axis Range = Min-Max 
        • Min = 0 
        • Max = 1 
      • Line Style 
        • Set to 4px 
        • Null data = Hide 
  4. Add a Required control on ‘Grouping category’ that targets the visualization 
  5. Add formatting and text as desired, and add all elements to a container to give it a unified background 
  6. Adjust the workbook settings to dark mode to get the control’s background to blend more with the background. 


Tables and Datasets > Workspaces > Workout Wednesday > 2024W47 – Can you check for recalls? > FDA Recalls


After you finish your workout, share on LinkedIn, Sigma’s Community page, (or Twitter) using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #SigmaComputing, and tag Ashley Bennett, Eric Heidbreder, Katrina Menne, and Michal Shaffer!

Create an interactive, sharable version of your solution here.

Also, make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week to track our participation throughout the year.


Coming Soon!

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