2025 Week 11 | Sigma: Can you use a legend?


Welcome to week 11! This week, Sigma’s hosting it’s Data Apps Conference which will feature a ton of valuable information coming straight from Sigma’s team and community experts. The conference is Thursday, March 13, 2025 9:30am PT / 12:30pm ET

Even on conference week, Sigma is still pushing out excellent new features. Our challenge this week focuses on the new Legend controls, which allow you to pop out your legends (hello Tableau) and edit colors across multiple visualizations from one place. I’m excited abot this one, so let’s get to it!

Need access to Sigma?

Note: You will only have view access to WOW Workbooks, Folders, and Workspaces, not edit access. Please create your WOW Workbooks under “My Documents.” We suggest creating a folder to organize all your workbooks. 


Click on the text to select *only* that data. Ctrl + Click to exclude the selection.

    1. Get your data
      • Add a new table in a ‘Sources’ tab
      • Tables and Datasets > Connections > Sigma Sample Database > RETAIL > MLB_STADIUM_SALES > MLB_STADIUM_SALES_HANDS_ON_LAB
    2. Create your visualizations
      • Bar Chart
        • Y-axis: Sum of Revenue
        • X-Axis: Stadium Level
        • Color: Product Type
      • Area Chart
        • Y-axis: Sum of Revenue
        • X-Axis: Game Month
        • Color: Product Type
    3. Create your legend control
      • Create a new Legend control
      • Set the Value source to the MLB_STADIUM_SALES_HANDS_ON_LAB table in your source
      • Source Column: Product Type
      • Set the targets to your two visualizations
      • Test the functionality by changing the color on the legend and watch it update all visualizations
    4. Tweak formatting as needed


Tables and Datasets > Connections > Sigma Sample Database > RETAIL > MLB_STADIUM_SALES > MLB_STADIUM_SALES_HANDS_ON_LAB



After you finish your workout, share on LinkedIn, Sigma’s Community page, (or Twitter) using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #SigmaComputing, and tag Ashley Bennett, Eric Heidbreder, Katrina Menne, and Michal Shaffer!

Create an interactive, sharable version of your solution here.

Also, make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week to track our participation throughout the year.


Coming Soon!

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