#WOW2024 | Week 41 | People Resource Planning


This week’s challenge is brought to you by another guest coach – introducing Dan Wade!


Dan has been working with Tableau for just over a year. Originally trained by *the* Matt Francis in a Management Trainee role, Dan quickly recognised the power of data visualisation and analytics so he decided to pivot his career into a role that allowed him to work with data full-time.

Dan has engaged extensively with the Tableau community, from being a regular participant in #SportsVizSunday, to writing a guest blog for CJ Mayes, attending TUGs in London and getting a #VOTD. Dan is hard-working and driven (pun intended) and in 2024 he set himself a goal of producing a viz for each of the 24 weeks of the F1 season in order to push his learning further and build up his portfolio. It’s safe to say that he is one to watch within the Tableau Community!

Challenge intro by Dan:

Sometimes stakeholders may wish to see multiple measures in the same view. One of those measures could be the difference between two values, but what do we do if they want to see all these values and change the calculation for the difference between them? We use parameters.


In this weeks challenge, you’re tasked with using parameters to create dynamic calculations that enable your stakeholder to switch between values of interest.


    • Dashboard size 1300 x 800 px
    • Create three parameters (FTE measure, Actuals/Attrition Forecast & Annual Attrition Rate)
    • Create a line chart that plots Budget FTE (#4e79a7), Demand FTE (#59a14f), Supply FTE (#b07aa1) and Actuals/Attrition (#505050).

Note: The Actuals/Attrition line is dynamic based on which option is selected in the parameter. The Attrition line changes based on the Annual Attrition Rate value.

  • Calculate the resource gap (difference) between FTE measure and Actuals/Attrition Forecast and plot this value on the chart with vertical bars.
  • Highlight the bars where the resource gap is greater than 20% of the selected FTE measure (#f1afb0)


This challenge uses a custom data set based on a real use case about People Resource Planning. You can download the CSV file from Data.World 


When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration.  Also include the hashtag #WOW2024 in your description to make it searchable!


After you finish your workout, share your solution:



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