2024 Week 45 | Power BI: Country GDP Bump Chart


A bump chart shows changes in rank over time. This week, inspired by a visual from Statista Charts, we are making a bump chart of the countries with the highest GDP in 3 selected years.

The example below uses a ribbon chart core visual to create the bump chart, but you are welcome to use your visual of choice.


  1. Get the data.
  2. Shape the data to create a table with 3 columns: Nominal GDP, Country, and Year.
  3. Add a column that relates the country to the appropriate continent.
  4. Create a bump chart with the 3 selected years in the data on the x-axis. 
  5. Ensure the #1 ranked country is located at the top of the y-axis.
  6. Color the segments by continent (Europe, Asia, or Americas).
  7. Create a legend to explain the colors used.
  8. Show the country, year, and nominal GDP in the tooltip. 


Data for this challenge can be found at https://www.voronoiapp.com/economy/Continental-Shift-The-Biggest-Economies-Over-Time-705 in the table labeled Dataset.


After you finish your workout, share on social media using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #PowerBI. On Twitter, tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko

Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


Solution File available for download from the data stories gallery.

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