Hello again everyone! This week we are looking to add Reference Bands to our Scatter Plots in order to “group” together like items. Looking at NBA Players Total Games and Points spread.

- Dashboard size 920 x 825
- Players are grouped into 5 bins by Avg Points per Game
- 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29 and 30-34+
- Must create an interactive legend on the top right that can be used in a Dashboard Highlight
- The “Bands” are based on these bins from the Minimum number of points over X games to the Maximum number of points over X games.
- The Y Axis (Total Points) is fixed at 17,980 to 39,900 | The X Axis (Games) is fixed at 715 to 1667
- By default, the Top 10 Players (by points scored) will have Text Labels with their Rank, and name
- When highlighting players using the Points Bin Legend, only show Text Labels for the players in that bin
- Players that are marked as “active” should have a circle with an outer ring to separate them from inactive players.
Data from this week comes from Basketball-Reference via Jeff Planter. You can download the aggregated data here
After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WorkoutWednesday and tag @AnnUJackson, @LukeStanke, and @RodyZakovich. (Tag @VizWizBI too โ he would REALLY love to see your work!)
Also, donโt forget to track your progress using this Workout Wednesday form.
Hi Rody,
Thanks for sharing! I have a problem with the aggregated data to get the profit bins. Also, taking Jordan as example, the avg points for Jordan is 30.12 in your workbook (ignoring 383 games where pts is null), but the avg points can only be 22 with the aggregated data.
Could you provide the data used in your workbook? Thanks!
This was super-interesting and super-hard!!! – maybe just for me!!
Here’s my shot
-how to make you first poligon map ๐
– damned damned damned Text for highlighted values
I made the BIN as a Tablecalc, so it wasn’t so easy to make the Legend and the map…
I need help creating the background, I still read post multiple times but no one posted a clear solution to creating the band. Can you please reach out if you have any solutions, thank you..
I’m new to workout Wednesday and I’m a bit confused about the background image as well. I’m now trying to work backwards to understand how this was finished and I’m lost as to where the data comes from for the Position and Bucket values. I see them listed under the data source Clipboard_20180531T190705. But I didn’t see this as an available download
I’m new to workout Wednesday. I’m stuck on how the image of the bands was created. I have started to work backwards by studying the completed viz but I’m baffled by the 2 data sources that are listed. I downloaded the excel spreadsheet but where does the data come from that includes the Position, Bucket, Top Bottom. Can someone point me in the direction of the 2nd data source or have I misunderstood something?
Where does the 2nd data source come from? I’m new to workout Wednesday and I downloaded the excel spreadsheet but can’t figure out how to create the image of the reference bands. I’ve looked at completed projects and see a 2nd data source that includes data for Position, Buckets and Top Bottom but I’m unclear as to where that data came from. Can someone direct me to where I can find that?