This week Ann and I are doing a live Workout Wednesday for the San Fransisco Bay Area Tableau User Group, so I tried to make sure this challenge can be done in 30 minutes.
Click image to view on Tableau Public
- Format: 750px by 850px
- Create a bar-on-bar chart that shows:
- A top bar counting distinct orders for 2018.
- A bottom bar counting distinct orders for 2017.
- The top 10 states for total orders in 2018.
- The bottom 5 states for total orders in 2018.
- The average for all other states.
- Add a label that show the total orders for 2018 for the bottom and top states and shows the average total orders per state for the Other States
- Add another label that shows the year-over-year change. Use arrows (↓ and ↑) to indicate the change. When there is no change use NC.
- Add a filter for Category.
- Sort by total orders in 2018.
- Make the bar for the top 10, bottom 5, and all others 3 different colors.
- Add labels for the Top and the Bottom.
- Match formatting and tooltips.
This week uses the superstore dataset for Tableau 2019.1. You can get it here at data.worldShare
After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WorkoutWednesday2019 and tag @AnnUJackson, @LukeStanke, @lorna_eden, and @curtisharris_!
Track your progress
Also, don’t forget to track your progress using this Workout Wednesday form.
When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration.

Hi luke quick, simple and nice
Here’s my shot:!/vizhome/ItalianWorkoutWednesday2019/2019w20-ww?publish=yes
Por favor, como puedo realizar comparacion entre dos conjuntos de una misma base de datos:
Tengo un filtro de productos:
y deseo comparar los productos seleccionados en el filtro Vs los productos no seleccionados en el filtro
y todo esto por pediodo meses.
por ejmplo:
en Enero Marzo y Abril, tengo un producto X seleccionado en el filtro, Vs los demás productos vendidos en los meses mencionados, pero que no estén seleccionados en el filtro.