Shannon Lindsay

2023 Week 45 | Power BI: Create a dumbbell chart with Deneb

Introduction Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week we’re creating a dumbbell chart to compare 2 sets of values using Deneb! If this is your first time using Deneb I highly recommend you play around with either the Vega or Vega-lite languages in the online editor, where you can load the code from examples, amend it, …

2023 Week 45 | Power BI: Create a dumbbell chart with Deneb Read More

2023 Week 42 | Power BI: Add value to tables with SVGs

Introduction Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week we’re adding value to tables using SVG images! I was inspired by Sean Miller’s Week 16 Tableau challenge, and thought we could re-create this in Power BI. In this challenge, you’ll use various techniques to enhance the presentation of data within your Power BI table visual. These techniques include utilizing …

2023 Week 42 | Power BI: Add value to tables with SVGs Read More

2023 Week 39 | Power BI: Bar chart custom labels

Introduction This week we’re revisiting Meagan’s challenge where we built a bar chart with long labels. We’re going to use a trick recently unveiled by Bas (@howtopowerbi on Twitter) to create custom labels for bar charts. If you have long labels in your bar chart, they may be truncated depending on the size of the …

2023 Week 39 | Power BI: Bar chart custom labels Read More

2023 Week 34 | Power BI: Use core visuals with dynamic titles

Introduction Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week we’re building some basic visuals and use dynamic titles to visualize gas prices in the Rocky Mountain Region of the US (where I live!) over the past 3 years from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Be sure you’re using the June 2023 version of Power BI desktop or later …

2023 Week 34 | Power BI: Use core visuals with dynamic titles Read More

2023 Week 30 | Power BI: Build a smooth line chart

Introduction Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week we’re building a line chart using the new smoothing feature that was released this month! This week’s challenge was inspired by Andy Kreibel’s Makeover Monday challenge. We’re exploring the disappearing sea ice in the Antarctic using a line chart, looking at the extent of sea ice in millions of …

2023 Week 30 | Power BI: Build a smooth line chart Read More

2023 Week 26 | Power BI: Display metrics with the new card visual

Introduction Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week we’re exploring the new card visual that was released in preview this month. Key metrics are frequently displayed in reports, and in the past it took a combination of cards, images, and other visuals. Thanks to the new card visual, we now have more flexibility, options for …

2023 Week 26 | Power BI: Display metrics with the new card visual Read More

2023 Week 23 | Power BI: Build with Core Visuals

Introduction Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week’s inspiration comes from the incredibly cool 1 dataset 100 visualizations project, presented by the Data Viz Project. The basic premise of the 1 dataset 100 visualizations project is that the team created 100 visualizations using a single, simple dataset. In today’s exercise, we challenge you to re-create as many of …

2023 Week 23 | Power BI: Build with Core Visuals Read More

2023 Week 19 | Power BI: Formatted bar chart and bookmark navigator

Introduction Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! We’re taking inspiration once again from our friends at Makeover Monday. This one is fun – the Makeover Monday team was inspired by a bar chart featured in a blog post and they decided to recreate it in Tableau! You can read Andy’s full post on his blog if you want more info.  Today …

2023 Week 19 | Power BI: Formatted bar chart and bookmark navigator Read More

2023 Week 15 | Power BI: What-if parameters inspired by Makeover Monday

Introduction Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week we’re using a Makeover Monday dataset that was inspired by Andy Kriebel’s post on Twitter (dataviz inception!). Andy has been working through Makeover Monday challenges in Power BI, and I thought it would be a good opportunity for us to do some of these together! This week’s challenge uses what-if parameters, a …

2023 Week 15 | Power BI: What-if parameters inspired by Makeover Monday Read More

Image of Power BI report.

2023 Week 12 | Power BI: Are your reports accessible?

Introduction Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week we’re taking a note out of Meagan’s book and looking at existing reports to ensure they’re accessible to our end-users.  Creating accessible Power BI reports isn’t just a nice-to-have feature, but a crucial aspect for ensuring all users can access and understand your data. Don’t let accessibility …

2023 Week 12 | Power BI: Are your reports accessible? Read More

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