2024 Week 14 | Power BI: Use a matrix to re-create a Tableau viz


Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week we’re recreating a really neat viz that was originally created by Flávio Matos for the Tableau team back in 2023. Flavio created the Periodic Table of Wine, with an option for users to select the food they’ll be eating to help them pair the perfect wine.

Today, we’re going to recreate Flávio’s Periodic Table using a matrix in Power BI! This requires a little modeling trick and some conditional formatting, but is otherwise fairly straightforward. Join us to create your own Periodic Table of Wine!



  Beginner: Get data model from starter file

  1. Download the Power BI desktop starter file
  2. Go through the tables, model and measures to try to understand what you’re going to be working with.

  Intermediate: Get and transform data

  1. Import data from Data.World using the connector in Power BI desktop
  2. Model data
    • Model your data so that you end up with:
      • a color code for the wine type
      • a row rank to help create the columns in the matrix (how many times does a wine appear in a row)
      • a category sort, so that the wine categories appear in the order we want them to in the matrix
    • I didn’t accomplish this on my own! I had to refer to Stephanie Bruno’s blog post on Adding a row rank based on a different column with Power Query
    • Create measures to display the desired background and text color

  Create visuals

  1. Create a matrix displaying the:
    • Category on the rows
    • Row rank on the columns
    • Wine abbreviation on the values
  2. Add a slicer to allow users to select a food pairing
    • Hint: use a disconnected table to cross highlight rather than filter
  3. Add a legend (I used a table)
  4. Add a title and any other design elements that you’d like
  5. Ensure that all visuals meet the minimum standards of having alt text, that the tab order in your report makes sense, and that your color choices meet the minimum contrast standards.
    • I strayed from the original slightly by making the text white on the red background, and lightening up the green color.
  6. As always, mix up the design in any way you see fit! This should be fun!


You can find this week’s data on Data.World or use the pre-built model in the starter .pbix file.


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter or LinkedIn using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #PowerBI, and tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko

Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


Solution File available for download.

2 thoughts on “2024 Week 14 | Power BI: Use a matrix to re-create a Tableau viz”

  1. Shannon Lindsay

    Hi Ray! Thanks for your comment 🙂 We try to either post the solution file or post a video, depending on our bandwidth. We’re all volunteers and we’re trying our very best to provide resources for the community. I’ll make a note that you’re interested in this one and see if I can find some time. In the meantime, please explore the solution file and feel free to ask any questions you have here in this thread. Thanks!

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