
#WOW2025 W12: Can you show the top X customers in EACH of the last 3 years and their contributions to Sales?

Introduction Starting the community month with a Challenge from a Data School Consultant Abby Poon. She came to me with a puzzle and we solved it together. The idea is you want to be able to see how the Top X customers are changing over the last 3 years (dynamically). Each year the top X …

#WOW2025 W12: Can you show the top X customers in EACH of the last 3 years and their contributions to Sales? Read More

#WOW2025 | Week 11 | Can you find Sales per Customer by First Purchase Cohort?

Introduction Cohort analysis is always fun to try and figure out how to show enough information without dumping every cohort onto a chart. This challenge looks at cohorts of when a first purchase was made (Superstore data), and subsequent sales to those customers. Are there certain cohorts that continually spend more money? Do certain cohorts …

#WOW2025 | Week 11 | Can you find Sales per Customer by First Purchase Cohort? Read More

#WOW2025 | Week 10 | Can you rank by multiple measures?

Introduction For this week’s challenge, we’re looking at data from the English Premier League (EPL) again ( this may well be a theme for me this year 🙂 ). The main focus for this challenge is ranking; specifically ranking based on multiple measures. In the EPL, as I’m sure there are with other sports, teams …

#WOW2025 | Week 10 | Can you rank by multiple measures? Read More

#WOW2025 | 9 | Binary Parameters

Introduction Welcome to week 9 – and just like that we’re already welcoming March 🚀. I’m so excited to be partnering with fellow Kansas Citian & Tableau Visionary, Felicia Styer, for this week’s challenge. Recently she created a framework for what she calls “binary parameters” which allows for a solution for multi-select parameters. The goal …

#WOW2025 | 9 | Binary Parameters Read More

#WOW2025 | Week 8 | Can you display a ratio and a volume on the same chart?

Introduction This week’s challenge is brought to you by a new guest coach, Kieran Adair. Kieran lives in Australia and has been working with Tableau for several years. He has been a long-time fan of Workout Wednesday and recently reached out to me with an idea for a challenge, which I thought you all might …

#WOW2025 | Week 8 | Can you display a ratio and a volume on the same chart? Read More

WOW2025 | Week 7 | Can you Manually Color a Highlight Table?

Introduction I’m honored to present another challenge as a WOW coach this year.Being a coach last year was a great learning experience. It made me rethink whether my approach was truly the best and if the content was genuinely valuable for WOW participants.I’m excited to continue this journey and thankful for the chance to contribute …

WOW2025 | Week 7 | Can you Manually Color a Highlight Table? Read More

#WOW2025 | Week 6 | Can You Adjust Dashboard Design by Filter?

Introduction I am truly honored to continue serving as your coach and supporting your learning this year.My first challenge in 2025 is about an exploratory dashboard. Have you ever created a dashboard that allows users to explore data step by step, from an overview to detailed information?In many cases, this can be achieved using filters …

#WOW2025 | Week 6 | Can You Adjust Dashboard Design by Filter? Read More

#WOW2025 Week 5 | Can you use Spatial Parameters?

Introduction I was looking through the new features available in version 2024.3 recently, and came across Spatial Parameters. Since I had some spatial data from a couple challenges ago, I decided to give it a try and see if I could make it work.  For a quick intro of Spatial Parameters, I suggest TableauTim’s introductory …

#WOW2025 Week 5 | Can you use Spatial Parameters? Read More

#WOW2025 Week 4: Can you compare to a selected months value?

Introduction I always thought this type of exercise had to be overly complex with Level of Detail calculations or Table Calc, but actually you don’t need to use those to do this challenge. So I challenge you to be able to compare to a selected months value WITHOUT using LODs or Table Calcs. Click to …

#WOW2025 Week 4: Can you compare to a selected months value? Read More

#WOW2025 | Week 3 | How are EPL Football Teams performing this season compared to previous seasons?

Introduction This week’s challenge has 3 levels which I hope means there’s something for everyone – whether you’re new to Tableau and #WorkoutWednesday or a seasoned veteran 😉  If I’ve implemented things correctly, it should be possible to simply build on from the Beginner Level requirements without having to rework anything too much to get …

#WOW2025 | Week 3 | How are EPL Football Teams performing this season compared to previous seasons? Read More

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