2024 Week 33 | Power BI: Segmented Donut Chart


Editor’s note: This week we have a guest post from Imran Haq (LinkedInX). If you haven’t already, try out his previous WoW contribution to make a jittered column chart. 

The segmented bar chart from week 29, inspired some experimentation with similar designs. This week we are making segmented donut charts. These donut charts have 2 layers, one to show a simple portion by segments, and another to show the breakdown of each segment into another set of sub-categories. Sometimes we don’t need to see all subcategories labeled at once – it is often useful information to see how many segments contribute to a category and the relative contribution percentage from each segment. 

With that, we are making 3 variations of this segmented donut chart. The example uses Deneb, but you are free to use any visual you want to accomplish the goal.


  Get data and build visuals

  1. Retrieve the data from Google Sheets.
  2. Build one segmented donut chart with category sales on the outer ring and subcategory sales on the inner ring. Make the tooltip for the outer ring show category and sales amount. Make the tooltip for the inner ring show category, subcategory and sales amount.
  3. Make one segmented donut chart that shows subcategory sales on the outer ring and category sales on the inner ring. Make the tooltip for the inner ring show category and sales amount. Make the tooltip for the outer ring show category, subcategory and sales amount.
  4. Build one segmented donut chart with subcategory sales on the outer ring and year sales on the inner ring. Make the tooltip for both rings show year, subcategory, and sales amount (it should just say “all years” for the year value in the tooltip for the outer ring). Optional: Show the total for all years in the tooltip for the inner ring, in addition to the sales total for the year in context.


You can find this week’s data in Google Sheets here (no login necessary). You can connect directly or download the data to your local machine and connect to it from there. 

Note: You only need the Orders sheet. The other two sheets in the file are not required.


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter or LinkedIn using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #PowerBI, and tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko, and @PBIQueryous

Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


Solution File available for download from the data stories gallery.

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