Week 50: What is the makeup of sales?

This week is another challenge that comes straight from work. I actually had difficulty creating the chart I wanted. I really wanted to sort the states by the selected Sub-Category percentage but I ran out of time and had to hack together a solution for this week. Either way the more important challenge is in creating the appropriate pie chart.


Click to view on Tableau Public


  • Dashboard size is 800px wide by 800px tall.
  • Create a pie for each state
  • Use a parameter that describes each sub-category.
  • Highlight the sales of the selected sub-category. Also highlight the remaining sales for the remainder of sub-categories that are share the same category of the selected sub-category. The third category will be all other sub-categories.
  • Color by category. Use the Winter and Seattle Gray color palettes.
  • Jedi-level: no hard-coding category to sub-category.
  • Create the legend using a separate sheet.
  • Match tooltips.


This week uses the superstore dataset for Tableau 2018.3.  You can get it here at data.world


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3 thoughts on “Week 50: What is the makeup of sales?”

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