Happy New Year! It’s time for my first Workout Wednesday of 2019 and I hope you’re ready for a challenge. This week I’ve decided to take inspiration from a trick or two from past workouts and combine them with some recent work I’ve been doing. To be more specific, one thing about Tableau that I like is that you can set independent axes for continuous measures if you’ve got headers on the same shelf (rows or columns). But what if you wanted to have independent axes and headers aren’t on the same shelf? The workout this week explores that idea and puts it to the test – I’ll be honest, the jury is still out for me on if this works well with the Superstore data set, but I can absolutely see value in this if we were to have a similar metric with extremely varied ranges.
In addition to exploring how to get over that obstacle, I also wanted to play around with date filtering. This week you’ll be exposed to a user-friendly calendar that doubles as a filter OR highlighter. I’ve found that it represents a great way for end users to freely pick a single date, multiple dates, date ranges, random individual dates – pretty much any combination that they would like. Calendars are also familiar visualizations of dates, so I think it’s quite comforting – and additionally it serves as another layer of information – when there isn’t any data, there isn’t a square for the date.

- Dashboard size: 1200 x 800, jitterplots must be one sheet, everything else is up to you
- Create a jitterplot that shows sales by order ID (no need to worry if your jitter isn’t exactly the same as mine)
- Ensure that each plot behaves as if it has an “independent axis” and spans the extent of data within each region
- Create a calendar view that can be used as a filter or a highlighter
- When used as a filter, chosen dates will filter the jitterplot
- When used as a highlighter, chosen dates will change to a darker color in jitterplot
- Create a footnote that is responsive to the date selection
- Create average line & callout that are responsive to date selection
- Match colors & tooltips please 🙂
This week uses the superstore dataset for Tableau 2018.3. You can get it here at data.world
When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration.
Hi Ann,
this was Extraordinary Interesting!!!!!
I figured out almost everything but i HAD to look to your workbook for the damned INDEX() – i was using random()
here’s my shot!
Took me so much time to finish this. It was really worth it! The calendar filter/highlighter works beautifully with the scatter plot, will definitely use it more in the future! Thanks Ann!!
Here’s mine: https://public.tableau.com/views/OrderSalesSpreadbyRegionWorkoutWednesday2019W2/OrderSalesSpreadbyRegionW2?:embed=y&:display_count=yes&publish=yes
Here is mine:
Does anyone have a version of this that I could open (I am on Tableau 10.5.2). I have been trying a bunch of different things, but i am unable to figure out how to add the toggle that switches between the calendar acting as a filter vs highlighter. Thanks!