2024 Week 22 | Power BI: Approximate Binned Mapping with Scatterplots


When used with care, scatterplots can be used to create symbol maps using an equidistant projected map (or Geographic or Plate Carrée) as the plot background image. Attention will need to be paid to proportions and axis scales.

More information on projection types. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_map_projections


  1. Obtain the snowfall data from github
  2. Create new columns to bin the latitude and longitude data TIP: One way of doing this would be using the CEILING function to round to the nearest 5 intervals (note the symbols cannot be offset)
  3. Add a Scatterplot to the visual canvas
  4. Find an equidistant world map projection to utilise as the plot background, make sure this image is evenly cropped and fits the entire plot area.
  5. Set the axes to be -90, 90 and -180, 180
  6. Ensure the X axis is half the size of the Y axis
  7. Add the binned data to the scatterplot
  8. Conditionally format the symbols as a gradient based on the average snowfall amount
  9. Add filters or play axis for snowfall by month


This weeks dataset is available via Github


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