It’s a pleasure to be back for my third year on the Workout Wednesday team. This week, I wanted to create a challenge that incorporates one of the things that will elevate many visualizations, which is seamless and intuitive interactivty. A good user experience should, by design, appear simple but often involves careful consideration behind the scenes.
This challenge brings to you a somewhat simplified potential use case that could be incorporated into a business dashboard. The beauty of the challenge is in the detail. Enjoy!
- Dashboard Size: 1000 x 800px
- 1 Dashboard only
- Create a Map that shows one State at a time and plots each City, with their names labelled. There should be a Drop-Down menu to allow the user to select a State.
- Allow the user to select a City and create a mini-map which highlights the selected City using Size and Colour (##c30000)
- Create a Table which shows sales information for the selected City only. The Table should contain the following fields, including a Sub-Total for each Order ID:
- Customer Name
- Order ID
- Product Name
- Unit Price
- Quantity
- Sales
- Bringing it all together: The end user should be able to select a City on the main map to bring up a view that displays the mini-map and the Table, with a Title that reflects which City was selected. They should then have the option to close this view and return to the main map
- Match layout, tooltips and formatting
This week uses the Sample Superstore data set. You can find it here on Data.World
When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration. Also include the hashtag #WOW2023 in your description to make it searchable!

After you finish your workout, share on Twitter and/or LinkedIn using the hashtag #WOW2023 #Tableau and tag @WorkoutWednsday and @_hughej