2024 Week 04 – Maps and Interactions/Bindings


We are already into the 4th week of the year – WOW!! 

My first time creating a WoW challenge. This one is based on maps! Yes, I know CRM Analytics maps make us desire for better versions, but we can always do cool things with what already exists. But, but… this one is not just about maps, it is about interactions/bindings as well. Here we go! And have fun. 


  • Create a Map Chart in CRM Analytics using Country as the location
  •  Add one of the columns as a placeholder for color. 
  •  Use interactions/bindings to update this to any column that the user can select (single selection required)
  • Next, use interactions/bindings to update the Map Type. This also will be single selection required.
  • Year list selector has been added to select one year or multiple years. This will be multiple selection required and is NOT a binding/interaction.


This challenge uses a Energy dataset from “Our World in Data“. The curated data for the challenge is available here.


After you finish your workout, share a screenshot of your solutions or interesting insights.

Either on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #CRMA and tag @genetis@PreenzJ@LaGMills and @msayantani(Or you can use this handy link to do that)

Or on LinkedIn, tagging Alex WaleczekPreena JohansenLauren MillsSayantani Mitra and Phillip Schrijnemaekers using the hashtags #WOW2024

Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker to track your progress and help us judge the difficulty of our challenges.


Solution has been posted here.

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