2024 Week 08 – Transpose Columns


In this workout, we received weather data from weather machine, where every hour degree are stored in a column, and degree for each area are represented as a row. To easily work on this data, we need to transpose the data from column to row.

sample source data


  • Create a dev org or use an existing org you have access to.
  • Upload the CSV file into CRM Analytics.
  • Create a Recipe to transform the data, so each value is represented as a row.


You can retrieve the sample data here, in this example: the weather is in Celcius degrees and the data is only retrieved at 12 am, 8 am, and 4 pm.


Make use of “Format Numbers” to show the weather in 00.0 format, and “Rename Column” to change the table headers.


sample result



After you finish your workout, share a screenshot of your solutions or interesting insights.

Either on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #CRMA and tag @genetis@LaGMills and @msayantani @simplysfdc(Or you can use this handy link to do that)

Or on LinkedIn, tagging Alex WaleczekLauren MillsSayantani Mitra and Phillip SchrijnemaekersJohan Yu using the hashtags #WOW2024

Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker to track your progress and help us judge the difficulty of our challenges.


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