Call for 2020 Contributors!

Have you been participating in our challenges and want to take it to the next level?  Perhaps you’ve never participated, but have always wanted to share analytics problems with others.  Either way, now is your chance!

We’ve seen firsthand the impact that being a part of Workout Wednesday has had on various community members, helping them find their voice and share their unique perspective on problem solving.   So in 2020 we’re opening up four slots for guest contributors.  Each guest contributor will be active for one Quarter of the year.  As part of their duties, each contributor will be a part of our challenge rotation and have an opportunity to help the community learn and grow.

Interested in being a contributor?  Fill out our short form below with your details by December 7th.  Don’t worry if you haven’t participated in Workout Wednesday in the past, we’re looking for a diverse group of people to continue to help us innovate in 2020.

If you’re interested, but want to learn more, please come see us at our Tableau Conference Session – LIVE on Wednesday 11/13 at 10:30 AM.

3 thoughts on “Call for 2020 Contributors!”

  1. I just found out about the guest contributor form. I was told about this site by a contact on Linked In and would like to be active on this site to earn an opportunity to be a guest contributer.

    1. Hi Michael – a great place to start would be to begin working on the challenges. You can start by following our weekly blog, it has all the steps you need to get started!

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