2024 Week 09 – Formulate Select and Navigate Dashboard


Almost the end of February! Time flies fast! – And another WoW Challenge is here!! 

This week is based on the same dataset and maps we had as a challenge during Week 4! The changes are adding one KPI, and one top 5 chart to the existing dashboard. Then add an Interaction (not binding) to select and navigate to another page in the layout. Here we go! And have fun. 


  • Clone last Map dashboard or create a similar one. 
  • Add one KPI widget that works with the measure column selector and add to the map dashboard page.
  • Next add a bar chart for the top 5 charts and add to the same page.
  • Create a detail page that contains a pivot table and again works with the measure column selector.
  • Add select and navigate interaction to the map widget which takes the user to the detail page. The detail page should filter to the selected country.
  • The resulting dashboard should look something like this:



This challenge uses a Energy dataset from “Our World in Data“. The curated data for the challenge is available here.


After you finish your workout, share a screenshot of your solutions or interesting insights.

Either on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #CRMA and tag @genetis@LaGMills and @msayantani @simplysfdc(Or you can use this handy link to do that)

Or on LinkedIn, tagging Alex WaleczekLauren MillsSayantani Mitra and Phillip SchrijnemaekersJohan Yu using the hashtags #WOW2024

Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker to track your progress and help us judge the difficulty of our challenges.


Coming later…
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