2021 Week 25 | Power BI: Unicode Characters


This week we are building on Meagan and David’s challenges using the Nobel Prize data. We’re also continuing on our customization journey and will have a bit of fun using unicode values. Unicode is a standard numeric value that represents a character, which can easily be transformed into a character in Power BI using a bit of DAX. Today we are using unicode values in a slicer, but we’d love to see all of the creative (and useful) ways you’ve been able to implement them!

A quick reminder – you can create your own free Microsoft 365 developer account to learn Power BI. More information about developer accounts can be found here.


  • Retrieve the data from the API using the following URL: https://masterdataapi.nobelprize.org/2.1/laureates?offset=0&limit=1200 (Hint: Power BI can expand the dataset into a table for you!)
    • note that you’ll need to use slightly different data points from last week
  • Create a dimension table using the following unicode values:
    Economic Sciences65284
    Physiology or Medicine9877
  • Create a slicer using the unichar column of your new dimension table. (Hint: this is a DAX formula, UNICHAR)
    • ensure that your slicer is single select and horizontal
  • Create a dynamic title for your report page
  • Add a card visual for:
    • % of women laureates
    • average age at award
    • average age at death
  • Create a bar chart displaying the number of laureates by year and type
  • Add a report page tooltip that displays the awardee’s name, age, and why they won the Nobel Prize (motivation column)


This challenge uses the same dataset from weeks 23-25, data provided by the Nobel Prize organization. You may reference the documentation at https://www.nobelprize.org/about/developer-zone-2/. This week’s data can be retrieved with the following url: https://masterdataapi.nobelprize.org/2.1/laureates?offset=0&limit=1200. The data is free to use and contains information about the Nobel Prizes and the Nobel Laureates. The data is updated as the information on www.nobelprize.org is updated, including at the time of announcements of new Laureates.


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2021 and #PowerBI, and tag @JSBaucke@MMarie, @shan_gsd and @dataveldAlso make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year. 


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