2023 Week 43 | Power BI: Faceted Stacked Bar Chart Comparison


This week’s challenge looks at two options for making faceted charts with multiple measures: the Deneb custom visual and the Stacked Bar Chart core visual. The charts compare two different measures across two attributes. You’ll have to get a little creative to accomplish this in both chart types. 


  1. Get the sample dataset from Github
  2.  Delete the existing pages from the report. 
  3. On a new page, add a page filter on Item[Category (clusters) 2] to include only the following values: Cluster5, Cluster6, Cluster7.
  4. Create the two charts using the same data. You will need the following  fields: [Regular_Sales_Dollars], [Markdown_Sales_Dollars], Item[Category], Store[Chain].
  5. Design the charts so that the measures are labeled in the chart as “Regular” and “Markdown” (or another version of more user-friendly names than the measure names in the model).
  6. Each chart should show regular and markdown sales with each of the two measures broken down (stacked) by Store Chain and then faceted by item category.


This week’s challenge uses a sample dataset provided by Microsoft. You can download it at https://github.com/microsoft/powerbi-desktop-samples/blob/main/new-power-bi-service-samples/Store%20Sales.pbix.


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2023 and #PowerBI, and tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko. Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


Solution File available for download via Data Stories Gallery.

Coming soon!

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