2024 Week 28 | Power BI: Create custom navigation with Zoe Douglas


Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week’s challenge is purely dataviz – there is no data transformation involved. A huge thanks to our friend and colleague Zoe Douglas for providing us with a beautiful and fun report to recreate.

Find the data and instructions to complete the challenge below, and as always, have fun!


  Get data and build visuals

  1. Use the starter Power BI desktop file that contains sample data.
  2. Explore the data and get an understanding of what’s going on in the data.
  3. Add visuals to the canvas. Be sure add at least:
    • a new card visual
    • a bar or line chart
    • buttons to use for custom navigation
  4. Add any other design elements that you’d like
  5. Ensure that all visuals meet the minimum standards of having alt text, that the tab order in your report makes sense, and that your color choices meet the minimum contrast standards.
  6. As always, mix up the design in any way you see fit! This should be fun!


This week’s sample data was created by Zoe; you can find the data in the starter file.


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter or LinkedIn using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #PowerBI, and tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko

Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


Solution File available for download.

1 thought on “2024 Week 28 | Power BI: Create custom navigation with Zoe Douglas”

  1. hi, and thank you for creating the exercise!

    I have a question regarding the dynamic subtitle used on the grouped column chart. how do you add the word “per” for country, product, and segement? I tried using the fx button, basing it on the “breakdown by” but I could only produce the country/product/segment without the “per” so it becomes “per country”, “per product” or “per segment”.

    Thanks for the help!

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