2024 Week 29 | Power BI: Remake of a Tableau Segmented Bar Chart


This week, we are recreating a previous Tableau workout in Power BI in which we build a segmented bar chart that contains a bar for the total amount followed by a bar that shows a categorical breakdown of that amount.

This challenge involves a bit of data transformation as well as some more advanced data visualization. I used the Deneb custom visual, but you can use whichever visual you would like. 


1. Retrieve the data from Google Sheets.

2. Build a bar chart depicting Sales by Sub-Category, sorted based on the Sub-Category with most sales first.

  • A single bar should depict the total sales for the Sub-Category
  • Directly beneath, a stacked bar should be displayed depicting the Sales per Year
  • Ensure the total bar is wider than the segmented bar.
  • Ensure there is spacing below each pair of bars
  • Ensure the label is aligned with the Total bar.
  • Add a tooltip that always shows the sub-category and the sales amount, and that shows the year only when hovering over the bar showing sales by year.


You can find this week’s data in Google Sheets here (no login necessary). You can connect directly or download the data to your local machine and connect to it from there. 

Note: You only need the Orders sheet. The other two sheets in the file are not required.


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter or LinkedIn using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #PowerBI. If you share on Twitter, please tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko. Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


2 thoughts on “2024 Week 29 | Power BI: Remake of a Tableau Segmented Bar Chart”

  1. Very useful visualization! I would be interested in having multiple sub categories, and it looks like that is doable.
    Quick question – if we have a power bi report (.pbix) can you point me to how I host it in a website like you did here?

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