2019 Week 26: KPI Card

Last week I was lucky enough to spend some time in Berlin attending Tableau Conference Europe.  Coming off the heels of the conference I was struck by the three components the Tableau team was sharing in terms of new features and development.  They shared components focused on 1) Making Analytics for Everyone 2) Analytics at Scale and 3) Having Trusted Data.  I was particularly intrigued by Analytics for Everyone, because I think several of the newest features are heading in that direction.  Particularly when we think about a fluid and inviting analytics experience and the opportunity to view metrics and numbers at a high level while providing more insight in context.

All that said, this week your task is to build out a KPI card that’s packed with a menu revealing more context and insight into the data.  It’s designed to be simplistic and fit into a compact space.  But it’s got additional aspects to visually understand what’s being displayed.  You’ll be taking advantage of some of the newest features and flexing your muscles on some features that have been out for awhile.

The KPI card allows the end user to access a menu to define a time period, and select both a Segment and Sub-Category.  There are lots of little details in this one, so make sure you pay close attention!

Click to view on Tableau Public


  • Dashboard size: 600 x 500; you choose the # of sheets
  • Create a KPI box that is orange when performance is down from prior period and blue when it’s up
  • Create functionality to switch between YTD, QTD, and MTD
    • This should be dynamic based on “Today,” where “Today’ is DATEADD(‘year’,-1,TODAY())
    • You’re doing this to compensate Superstore only going through 2018
    • Make sure that your data doesn’t go further than “Today”
  • Create a menu section that has the following
    • A sparkline that colors older time, previous period, and current period
      • YTD goes back 2 years
      • QTD goes back 18 months
      • MTD goes back 120 days
  • Create contextual bar charts showing % of total based on filter selections
    • Ensure the dynamic titles update appropriately to say “All Segments” or “All Sub-Categories”
  • Create a BAN that represents the intersection of the selected filters
  • Match all formatting (and you’re in luck – no tooltips this week!)


This week uses the superstore dataset for Tableau 2019.1.  You can get it here at data.world


When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration.


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WorkoutWednesday2019 and tag @AnnUJackson@LukeStanke@lorna_eden, and @curtisharris_!

Track Your Progress

Also, don’t forget to track your progress using this Workout Wednesday form.

2 thoughts on “2019 Week 26: KPI Card”

  1. Great job Ann. Could we have a step by step guide in order for this dashboard?
    This would be very helpful.


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