2019 Week 9: Can you remove the scroll bar?

When I started Workout Wednesday I made a list of potential challenges. This challenge was the second challenge I wrote down. After more than 20 challenges I’ve finally gotten around to sharing it!


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  • Format: 1000px by 600px
  • Create a visualization with bar charts that show total sales, total profit, and total quantity by city-state (See below for state abbrevation calculation). Sort by sales.
  • Create a calculation that you can use as a filter that shows cities in groups of 10. Make sure the labels based on the rank i.e. the top ten are 1-10, the 2nd 10 are 11-20, ect.
  • Make sure the bar size remain proportional with the maximum value for each. Do not used a fixed axis.
  • Add a zero line for profit only.
  • Match formatting: Size 11 font, bar color #ED7470.
  • Dataset

    This week uses the superstore dataset for Tableau 2018.3.  You can get it here at data.world


    After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WorkoutWednesday2019 and tag @AnnUJackson, @LukeStanke, @lorna_eden, and @curtisharris_!

    Track your progress

    Also, don’t forget to track your progress using this Workout Wednesday form.


    When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration.

    Abbreviation Calculation

    CASE [State]
    WHEN "Alabama" THEN "AL"
    WHEN "Alaska" THEN "AK"
    WHEN "Arkansas" THEN "AR"
    WHEN "Arizona" THEN "AZ"
    WHEN "California" THEN "CA"
    WHEN "Colorado" THEN "CO"
    WHEN "Connecticut" THEN "CT"
    WHEN  "Delaware" THEN "DE"
    WHEN "District of Columbia" THEN "DC"
    WHEN "Florida" THEN "FL"
    WHEN "Georgia" THEN "GA"
    WHEN "Idaho" THEN "ID"
    WHEN "Illinois" THEN "IL"
    WHEN "Indiana" THEN "IN"
    WHEN "Iowa" THEN "IA"
    WHEN "Kansas" THEN "KS"
    WHEN "Kentucky" THEN "KY"
    WHEN  "Louisiana" THEN "LA"
    WHEN "Maine" THEN "ME"
    WHEN "Maryland" THEN "MD"
    WHEN "Massachusetts" THEN "MA"
    WHEN "Michigan" THEN "MI"
    WHEN "Minnesota" THEN "MN"
    WHEN "Mississippi" THEN "MS"
    WHEN "Missouri" THEN "MO"
    WHEN "Montana" THEN "MT"
    WHEN "Nebraska" THEN "NE"
    WHEN "Nevada" THEN "NV"
    WHEN "New Hampshire"	THEN "NH"
    WHEN "New Jersey" THEN "NJ"
    WHEN "New Mexico" THEN "NM"
    WHEN "New York" THEN "NY"
    WHEN "North Carolina" THEN "NC"	
    WHEN "North Dakota" THEN "ND"
    WHEN "Ohio" THEN "OH"
    WHEN "Oklahoma" THEN "OK"	
    WHEN "Oregon" THEN "OR"
    WHEN "Pennsylvania" THEN "PA"
    WHEN "Rhode Island" THEN "RI"
    WHEN "South Carolina" THEN "SC"
    WHEN "South Dakota" THEN "SD"
    WHEN "Tennessee" THEN "TN"
    WHEN "Texas" THEN "TX"
    WHEN "Utah" THEN "UT"
    WHEN "Vermont" THEN "VT"
    WHEN "Virginia" THEN "VA"
    WHEN "Washington" THEN "WA"
    WHEN "West Virginia" THEN "WV"
    WHEN "Wisconsin" THEN "WI"
    WHEN "Wyoming" THEN "WY"

1 thought on “2019 Week 9: Can you remove the scroll bar?”

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for the challenge! Struggling at the moment with the following:
    When I move to rank 11-20, the bars don’t get adjusted in relation to the max values, but to the max value on this “page”.

    How do I achieve that?

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