Can you believe it’s 2023 already? No me neither, but we have a cracking line up for this year that makes me excited to still be apart of the Workout Wednesday Team.
If this is your first time here, Welcome to #WOW2023. The aim of this community initiative is to rebuild the visualisation using a set of requirements, but most importantly it’s to hopefully learn a new technique or skill as you go through the next 52 weeks.
As with all New Years, it starts with New Year New Me, well for this weeks it’s New Year New Features as we take a deeper look into the New 2022.4 feature Image Role, and recap 2022.3 Dynamic Zone Visibility.
Good Luck, and most importantly Have Fun!
- Dashboard Size: 800 x 800px
- You will need Tableau Version 2022.4 to make this fully work
- 2 sheets
- Relate Player Stats & Player Position on Game ID – Game ID & Name to Player Name
- Filter to just the Men’s Competition
- Create a Scatter Plot using All Run Metres & Passes, broken down by Name & Game ID
- The scatter should be colour based on Dark Blue for Selected Player & Game, Light Blue for all other games from that player, Dark Grey all other Players from that Game, light grey for all other marks
- Create a bar chart with the players Image to show both metrics, with highlight on the selected Game ID
- The bar chart should only be visible when a mark is selected on the scatter plot
You may also need Parameter / Set Actions to make this work.
This week uses collected data from the RLWC website which can be found here
When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration. Also include the hashtag #WOW2023 in your description to make it searchable!

After you finish your workout, share on Twitter and/or LinkedIn using the hashtag #WOW2023 #Tableau and tag @WorkoutWednsday