
2019 Week 41: Which customers are costing us?

Once again, this week comes from a real life challenge. This real-life scenario involves a scatterplot of customers and a long, long table. The first requirement was to keep all the customers in the list, but also highlight those customers. After a round of feedback our stakeholder decided they wanted the selected customers to “surface …

2019 Week 41: Which customers are costing us? Read More

Week 40: Can you show and hide your sheets?

I was recently helping a coworker on a dashboard and mentioned sheet swapping as a potential solution to a problem. My coworker stopped me mid-sentence and said “What on earth is sheet swapping?!” We operate in our own Tableau bubble, and sometimes assume everyone else knows exactly what we do, I’m hoping Workout Wednesday is …

Week 40: Can you show and hide your sheets? Read More

Week 39: Can you create a BCG growth share matrix with Sales and Orders?

This week’s #WorkoutWednesday idea comes from creating a product portfolio. The customer wanted to see how much a product has grown and what it’s market share was. We are going to recreate the BCG Growth-Share Matrix for our superstore sub categories and manufacturers. “The BCG Growth-Share Matrix is a portfolio planning model developed by Bruce …

Week 39: Can you create a BCG growth share matrix with Sales and Orders? Read More

Week 38: Can you build a sales comparison chart with performance indicators?

This week I’m tackling a topic that nearly everyone has been asked – visualizing good/bad as performance indicators that are red or green.  At least here in the western world, the busy executive tends to think about things in terms of traffic lights.  So this week your task is to create something that satisfies their …

Week 38: Can you build a sales comparison chart with performance indicators? Read More

Week 36: Can you build a custom axis with a tracking reference line?

After four amazing challenges from the Tableau Community, we are back in the drivers seat to provide you with this week’s challenge! For your challenge this week, we are focused on interactivity over anything else; This week is simply about getting to know the tool and being creative with your data solutions. So can you …

Week 36: Can you build a custom axis with a tracking reference line? Read More

Week 35: Drill Down & Up on Sales with Subtotals using Parameter Actions

In the final week of the community challengers we have Rosario Guana. She is a Tableau Ambassador and a Tableau Zen Master. Rosario has been championing WorkoutWednesday since day 1, she writes blog posts about solutions and other tips and tricks in both English and Spanish. When Tableau 2019.2 was launched, I soon found myself testing …

Week 35: Drill Down & Up on Sales with Subtotals using Parameter Actions Read More

Week 34: Can You Build a Top N Bar Chart on a Single Worksheet?

We’re in week 3 of Community Contributor Month.  This week’s challenge is brought to us by Jeffrey Shaffer.  Jeffrey is a 4 time Tableau Zen Master, co-author of The Big Book of Dashboards, and maintains several websites (including must-bookmark So where did the challenge come from?  Here it is in Jeff’s own words: This …

Week 34: Can You Build a Top N Bar Chart on a Single Worksheet? Read More

2019 Week 33: 2018 IronViz Finalist Corey Jones’s Table Challenge

This week are excited to continue the community challenge month by welcoming Corey Jones. Based out of Philadelphia, Corey was a 2018 IronViz Finalist and is an avid sports fan. One of the great things that comes with working with a talented team is that you have the opportunity to learn from and push each …

2019 Week 33: 2018 IronViz Finalist Corey Jones’s Table Challenge Read More

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