A jittered bar chart has been on my list to do as a challenge since we started this challenge; this week it’s finally time and I can actually leverage the work Lorna Brown has done for the Tableau WoW earlier this year.
I ran into different constraints here so I created a new data source to not do everything from scratch. Unfortunately, CRMA doesn’t have a native RANDOM() function, so I provided two random seeds for you to work with. I have ideas of ways to create random numbers in recipes, so that might be a future challenge.
I also split this challenge into 3 difficulties to not frustrate you too much.
Difficulty 1 should be straightforward, 2 and 3 are progressively harder and require a bit of creative thinking.
- Create a recipe to support the dashboard
- Create the dashboard below
- Each dot is an participant giving the particular answer for a question in the particular category
- Colour the bars accordingly
- Make sure all axis have the exact same scale (domain)
- Make sure answers are sorted in the correct order
- Difficulty 1
- Create jittered bar charts with the answer and axis on each bar
- Difficulty 2
- Remove all x axis and only show one x-axis at the bottom of all charts
- Difficulty 3
- Remove all trellis labels and only include custom labels on the left of the chart
Based on the difficulty you chose, the dashboard should look like this:

Think about what characteristics of an element you can alter in order to make them (seem to) disappear! I’d start with colour and content…
You can find the data for this challenge on here:
After you finish your workout, share a screenshot of your solutions or interesting insights on Twitter or LinkedIn using the hashtags #WOW2023 and #CRMA and tag @genetis, @PreenzJ, @LaGMills and @JaackParry. (Or you can use this handy link to do that)
Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker to track your progress and help us judge the difficulty of our challenges.
Thanks for sharing your assignment.
I really want to know how to get random numbers in order to make jittered plots, hope you share its know-how with us sooner.