2023 Week 26 | The Component Widget


This week we are exploring the Component widget. Essentially it is a container with pages that allows you to quickly create and reuse dynamic areas of a dashboard!

Components solve 2 main use cases:

  • Reusability & maintainability (the components you create in this challenge will be used again in a future challenge!)
  • Easily (through Clicks not Code) build interactive dashboards


  • Create a new simple dataset or use an existing dataset you have created through the challenges – I have used the dataset we created back in Week 19 (Find it here!)
  • Create 2 separate components – get creative with what data you want to display but:
    • Ensure one has a Global Filter
    • On the other create at least 2 pages with different views
  • Once you have both components saved – create a new blank dashboard
  • Add the 2 components you created
  • The queries in both components should be filtered based on the Global Filter in the first component

The resulting dashboard should be interactive similar to the below:

Let us know on Twitter or LinkedIn how you think the Component Widget could help you to save time, streamline or get creative with dashboards using clicks instead of code!



This week uses the data from the standard objects that come with the CRMA Dev-Org. If this is your first challenge, you can sign up for a dev org here: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/promo/orgs/analytics-de


After you finish your workout, share a screenshot of your solutions or interesting insights on Twitter or LinkedIn using the hashtags #WOW2023 and #CRMA and tag @genetis@PreenzJ@LaGMills and @JaackParry. (Or you can use this handy link to do that)

Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker to track your progress and help us judge the difficulty of our challenges.


Coming later…
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