Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week is our annual collaboration with Preppin’ Data and the Tableau team! This week we’re visualizing Salesforce data – looking at current open opportunities, and trying to distinguish the dollar amount of opportunities due to close this month.
This week’s challenge can be done in both Power BI and Tableau, and perhaps even in Salesforce! Give it a whirl and let us know which solution tells the story the best!
**Updated 6/9/22 – thanks to Shad Frigui for helping me understand what I was doing wrong in Deneb!
- Complete the Preppin Data Challenge to make sure data is in the correct format
- The instructions for data prep are slightly different in Power Query. If the instructions aren’t quite making sense take a peek at the Cleaned Salesforce data file in the dataset section below.
- Note that the dates in this source data are in UK format. If you’re in another country, the easiest way to change that is by changing the type using locale in Power Query.
- Canvas Size 1050 x 900
- Create a relationship between the file output from the Preppin Data challenge (or use the Cleaned Salseforce data file) and the Opportunity table on OppID
- Create a Deneb visual! Deneb is a custom visual that can be added by selecting “Get more visuals.”
- If you’d prefer to use an out-of-the box visual as opposed to Deneb, go for it! I’d love to see what you come up with!
- I used the template provided by the fabulous Thys as my starting point. This is a nice time to thank Thys and remind us all how fabulous this community is!
- Filter closed opportunities out of the visual
- Each row should be an opportunity, with a circle for each stage of the opportunity.
- A red dot should appear if the Expected Close date is past today
- Create measures for the dollar amount in each stage expecting to close this month
- Also create measures for the number and dollar amount of opps with close dates that are overdue
- Create a color palette of your choice.
- I used the Hex Color Picker to create a color palette to match the Tableau team.
RGB Hex Color Stage #f598a7 lightpink Opened #f56580 lightcoral Prospecting #f4284e crimson Value Proposition #c21e31 firebrick Qualification #5c3f22 darkolivegreen Negotiation/Review #0a611b darkgreen ExpectedCloseDate
- Add additional detail to the report to tell the story of which opportunities need attention! The report layout we used is completely optional, feel free to get creative!
This week uses Salesforce data from the Preppin’ Data team. Complete the challenge here or use the starter datasets here. There are three csv files.
1) Opportunity – raw data
2) Opportunity History – raw data
3) Cleaned Salesforce data – this is the end result of the Preppin Data challenge. You’ll need to use this along with the Opportunity History table to complete the Workout Wednesday challenge.
After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2022 and #PowerBI, and tag @JSBaucke, @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko, and @NerdyWithData. Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.
Download Solution File
There will be a solution video coming for this challenge as I found it to be a bit tricky. Stay tuned!
Resources for getting started with Deneb:
please post video for this challenge