2023 Week 15 | Power BI: What-if parameters inspired by Makeover Monday


Welcome back to Workout Wednesday! This week we’re using a Makeover Monday dataset that was inspired by Andy Kriebel’s post on Twitter (dataviz inception!). Andy has been working through Makeover Monday challenges in Power BI, and I thought it would be a good opportunity for us to do some of these together!

This week’s challenge uses what-if parameters, a bar chart, and a slicer to create an effective visualization. We’ll also use a DAX measure to format the bar chart. I strayed slightly from the original viz because it made more sense to me, but as always, do what you like!

Thanks for the inspiration Andy!


Get and transform data

  1. Get data from Data.World. Use the Data.World connector in Power BI or download the Excel file.
  2. Rename columns and double-check data types. There’s no heavy transformation needed this week!

Create what-if parameter and measure

  1. Create a what-if parameter for number of drinks per day (on the modeling tab of the ribbon)
  2. Create a measure that uses the value from your new parameter
  3. Create a measure to conditionally format your bar chart. 

Create visuals

  1. Create a bar chart using your new measures
  2. Add a slicer for drink type
  3. Add a title, attribute Andy’s data viz, and format your report in any way you’d like.
  4. Ensure that all visuals meet the minimum standards of having alt text, that the tab order in your report makes sense, and that your color choices meet the minimum standards. 
  5. Save and publish your report.


This week’s dataset comes from our friends over at Makeover Monday. You can find it at Data.World or here in Excel.


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2022 and #PowerBI, and tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko. Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


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