2024 Week 12 | Power BI: Contact Cards and Headerless Tables


This week’s challenge uses a custom visual to achieve some formatting that cannot currently (as of March 2024) be achieved using core visuals. First, we have a table that contains 2 columns and no headers. Next, we have some contact cards that contain both an image and text. The catch is that the number of contact cards varies across customers, and we want to expand horizontally rather than vertically. 

The custom visual I used is the HTML Content (lite) visual created by Daniel Marsh-Patrick. Report authors can use the visual to write their own columns and measures using DAX, to create dynamic HTML content, or render existing content from their data model that contains HTML in their reports. Feel free to complete the challenge using a different visual, if you’d like.


1. Retrieve the data from Data.World

2. Create 2 relationships: one between the “Customer” table and the “Customer_Sales Team” table, another between the “Sales Team” table and the “Customer_Sales Team” table.

2. Add a visual to allow report consumers to select a single customer (I used the new slicer visual, but you can choose whatever visual you’d like). 

3. Add a customer info table that contains 2 columns with no column headers. The first column should contain the customer id, customer name, and customer location for the selected customer. The second column should contain the first purchase date, last purchase date, and lifetime spend amount for the selected customer.

4. Display contact cards for each member of the sales team for the selected customer.

  • The card should show the name, photo, role, location, and phone number for each sales team member.
  • The cards must be shown in a single row (note: some customers have 3 sales team members while others have 4).
  • The cards should be ordered based upon the sales role as follows: (1) Sales Manager, (2) Sales Representative, (3) Customer Success Representative, (4) Sales Specialist


You can find this week’s data on Data.World at https://data.world/mlongoria/wow2024wk12

There are 3 tables in the dataset. All 3 tables are required.

The data is fictitious and was created specifically for this challenge. Online name generators were used for people and customer names. 

Note: Data.World requires you to create a free account to access the data. You may use the Data.World connector in Power BI or download the file to your local machine and connect to it there.


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter or LinkedIn using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #PowerBI. If you share on Twitter, please tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko. Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


Solution file available for download via the Data Stories Gallery.

2 thoughts on “2024 Week 12 | Power BI: Contact Cards and Headerless Tables”

  1. Pingback: #WOW2024 Week 12 | Power BI: Contact Cards and Headerless Tables - Power of Business Intelligence

    1. Meagan Longoria

      Love it, Andrzej! I guess I should have clarified that I meant using the core visuals as they are, without writing custom html, but I am glad you took the challenge and proved me wrong about the use of core visuals.

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