Week 18: Customer Retention By Cohort and Quarter

If you’ve ever worked with web Google Analytics then you’ve probably seen the cohort analysis chart. To me its the coolest information provided. This week were back with an intermediate and jedi options. Both look basically the same but the jedi forces your thinking to a higher level!



Build a cohort analysis heat map that follows quarterly retention of customers.

click to view on Tableau Public
  • Dashboard size is 750 x 750; tiled; 1 sheet
  • Use the first order date to figure out the cohort of each customer.
  • Quarter 0 is quarter in which the first order occurred.
  • The percent is the percent of customers that had returned from the original total.
  • You DO NOT have to fill quarters with missing data.
  • Match color and formatting.




Let’s enhance the intermediate requirements with a few additional details.

click to view on Tableau Public
  • Dashboard size is 750 x 750; tiled; 1 sheet
  • Use the first order date to figure out the cohort of each customer.
  • Quarter 0 is quarter in which the first order occurred.
  • The percent is the percent of customers that had returned from the original total.
  • Add labels for 0% for quarters where there was no customers retained.
  • Place the overall cohort average in the very top row – make sure the numbers match, too.
  • Match color and formatting.



This week uses the superstore dataset.  You can get it here at data.world



After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WorkoutWednesday and tag @AnnUJackson, @LukeStanke, and @RodyZakovich.  (Tag @VizWizBI too โ€“ he would REALLY love to see your work!)


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Also, donโ€™t forget to track your progress using this Workout Wednesday form.


2 thoughts on “Week 18: Customer Retention By Cohort and Quarter”

  1. I partially got the Jedi, just cannot add color to it like the others. I’m very new to Tableau

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