2019 Week 23: Can you get creative with bar charts?

What do you do when you have limited real estate? What do you do when vanilla Tableau just isn’t going to cut it? This week’s workout should be a quick exercise designed to give you a few strategies that save on real estate, enable simple interactivity, and promote consistent design throughout your dashboards. This one shouldn’t take you very long, but it should give you a chance to think a little outside the box!


Click to view on Tableau Public


  • Format: 375x667px
  • Create a bar chart which displays the sub-category label on top of its bar
  • Label all bars to the right of the maximum value in view
  • Create a parameter that changes the display from a percent of total view to a raw order count view
  • Create a progress shadow for every bar
    • Show progress to 100% or progress to the maximum value depending on the parameter selection
  • Only use one sheet
  • Match formatting and colors #222222, #181818, #f28e2b
  • Match tooltips
  • Make sure there is adequate padding from the edges of the dashboard


This week uses the superstore dataset for Tableau 2018.3.  You can get it here at data.world


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WorkoutWednesday2019 and tag @AnnUJackson, @LukeStanke, @lorna_eden, and @curtisharris_!

Track your progress

Also, don’t forget to track your progress using this Workout Wednesday form.


When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration.

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