This week we’ll be exploring some of the forgotten functions of Tableau – Hexbins! And what better place to practice than with a workout. The dataset we’re using here is one of my all-time faves for playing around in Tableau – Rat Sightings in NYC. The open data portal of NYC has a record of every time a rat sighting has been reported the city’s 311 hotline since 2010!
This challenge will likely require a bit of work outside of Tableau to get this all looking right. But that’s okay – what a few more open browser tabs worth? 😂
See the requirement below
- Dashboard Size: generic desktop
- Create a hexbin map of rat sightings
- do some research and play around with hexbins to get a feel for them and how they work
- Create a bar chart showing total sightings by borough
- Add interactivity to highlight the map
- What’s a hexbin without a hexagon? Tableau has hexbin functions but doesn’t provide a hexagon shape. You can download that shape here and put it in your shapes repo
- I used a color brewer color palette. You can read through this Tableau forums post to learn more about Color Brewer as well as download a TPS file with all the colors
- it appears the palette I used is not in the Color Brewer palette. You can copy and past the following block of code and paste it in your tps file
- <color-palette name=”OrRd-5″ type=”ordered-sequential” >
- <color-palette name=”OrRd-5″ type=”ordered-sequential” >
- pay attention to the citation
- it appears the palette I used is not in the Color Brewer palette. You can copy and past the following block of code and paste it in your tps file
Remember to have fun!
This week I pulled data from the NYC Open Data portal You can find it here
When you publish your solution on Tableau Public make sure to take the time and include a link to the original inspiration. Also include the hashtag #WOW2022 in your description to make it searchable!

After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WOW2022 and tag @LukeStanke, @_Lorna_Brown, @HipsterVizNinja, @_hughej, and @YetterDataViz
good ol’ Kriebel 🙂