2024 Week 38 | Power BI: Ternary Plot


Ternary plots are a unique plot that is typically used to look at the mineral composition of rocks. However these plots have been adapted in data journalism for looking at voting intention in varying demographics.

Each point on the plot comprises a percentage of each dimension e.g of the 65+ age demographic, 16% of respondents answered equal pay had been achieved, 37% more should be done, and 47% no longer necessary or relevant (16% + 37% + 47% = 100%)

More examples and information:



Further Exploration #8 – Triangular Plots


How to plot a ternary diagram in Excel


  1. Obtain the data from YouGov
  2. Model Data
  3. Follow along with how to create a ternary plot in Excel, https://chemostratigraphy.com/how-to-plot-a-ternary-diagram-in-excel/ but adapt for Power BI and DAX 
  4. Alternatively,
  5. Create a measure for the Y-Axis, where Y=A.
  6. Create a measure for the X-Axis where X = 0.5*A + B
  7. Create a background for the ternary plot, or obtain the background from https://github.com/kolky001/Workout-Wednesday-2023/blob/main/ternarybackground.png 
  8. Fit image to plot
  9. Turn off Y-axis labels and vertical gridlines
  10. Label the rest of the plot to your preference
  11. Create a date slicer OR add the Date to the scatterplot play axis


This week’s dataset is downloadable from YouGov https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/trackers/progress-toward-gender-equality-gender-pay-for-you-personally?crossBreak=1829


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2024 and #PowerBI, and tag @MMarie, @shan_gsd, @KerryKolosko. Also make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year.


Via Data Stories Gallery 

Coming soon.

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