
Scatter Chart

#WOW2022 | Week 05 | Can you build a reference box?

Introduction This week is my debut challenge as a Workout Wednesday coach and it’s safe to say that I’m looking forward to the year ahead! All the coaches are teaming up this month to bring together an interactive dashboard made up of challenging charts. Over the next few weeks, each coach will contribute one piece …

#WOW2022 | Week 05 | Can you build a reference box? Read More

2022 – Week 4: How have successful products performed?

Introduction This week’s challenge looks at products in Tableau’s superstore dataset. In this challenge you will have to find the products that have been profitable in each of the four years in this dataset. That means profitable in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.  Once you have identified successful products (the consistently profitable products) then you …

2022 – Week 4: How have successful products performed? Read More

#WOW2022 | Week 03 | Can you visualise percent difference from a selected date?

Introduction I can’t believe I am entering my 4th year as a Workout Wednesday coach. It has been such an incredible journey so far. I bet you think how do we come up with the challenges all the time? Tableau has such a broad range of calculations and different ways of doing things so that …

#WOW2022 | Week 03 | Can you visualise percent difference from a selected date? Read More

WOW2022 Week 2: Can you build a weekly Year-over-Year line chart?

Introduction I’m excited to join the Workout Wednesday coaching team this year! For my first challenge, I’m pulling from some recent work experience. Our leadership team wanted to see weekly performance for the week ending Sunday, with the current and prior 2 years in the chart. We also needed to include the YoY% change, and …

WOW2022 Week 2: Can you build a weekly Year-over-Year line chart? Read More

WOW2021 – Week 52: Can you build a table with one measure?

Introduction For the last week of 2021 we’ve got a straightforward challenge: create a table with one measure. For fans of the (The Great British) Bake Off note the simple instructions for this technical. Click to open in Tableau Public Requirements Dashboard Size: 1000px by 600 px Match the values in the table using Sales, …

WOW2021 – Week 52: Can you build a table with one measure? Read More

#WOW2021 Week 48 | Tableau | Coaches’ Favorite Challenges Advent Calendar

Introduction With the December right around the corner, holiday advent calendars will be everywhere. We didn’t want Workout Wednesday to miss out on that holiday tradition. So, we created an advent calendar featuring favorite challenges selected by our very own #WOW coaches. As my gift to you and a major development hint, I provided the …

#WOW2021 Week 48 | Tableau | Coaches’ Favorite Challenges Advent Calendar Read More

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